Boat Terminology drawing

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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2007
Reaction score
Northwest KY. Fairweather angler
Been working on a simple boat part identification labeling drawing to post. I believe I got the original drawing from Jim or another member, but can't recall, and did some cut & paste to move the sections around. If I missed anything let me know, and if anyone has some CAD experience feel free to fix my simple MSPaint attempt at labeling. :)

Front, bow, back, stern.
You don't get it right, squirt, I throw your *** out the little round window
on the side!
Captain Ahab said:
Front, bow, back, stern.
You don't get it right, squirt, I throw your *** out the little round window
on the side!

Any know where this is from?

Anyone besides Leibs16 that is!
Here's a little trick my dad taught me years ago.

The starboard side is always the right side. In most smaller crafts the console is on the right side, where the STAR(boat owner/operator) sits. IE, the Star sits on the starboard side.

That always helped me remember the difference.
Waterwings said:
Lol, looks like Esquired and I posted at the same time, lol.

Yar, this Esquired fella is not only very handsome but clearly a quick thinker. he be a good whaling partner - YAR!
You can also remember that the color of the navigation light for the port side. Port wine is red, Port side light is red. :D

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