how meny Christians are on this site? (I am one)

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Well-known member
Jul 24, 2009
Reaction score
Ilion, NY
Iwas just wondering how meny other Christians there are on this site, because there are a lot of people that have positive christian signatures :D :D .
I am on who believes that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. and not ashamed to profess it.
I'm a christian. Kind of dangerous to say that though. My friend used to use it against me all the time. :?
I am, I could be better at it though......

I had my daughters Christening a couple of weeks ago. The Priest(awesome guy) said one thing that stuck in my head........

"You younger kids today need to unplug every now and then".
Now a Days I say------Im a White, Straight, Republican, gun owner & jon boat owner CHRISTIAN, How else can I pee you Off today????????? =D>

We should always try cause we will fail at it. [-o<
I've been a faithful follower now for 24 years... but as ALL Christians, I fall every now and again
God loves me more than I love him....and I try to love Him more every day. I don't think I can ever catch up, but I'm not going to stop trying.
The real question is.

Have you been saved?

I have.
Christ walks with me, and at time carries me.

I spend a lot more time communing with Him in His outdoor temple than I probably should, but I hope he might be okay with that.
He's the only company I have on my 1.5-2 hours commutes to work.. and Lord knows he takes a lot off my shoulders in the mornings before I start my day.
I'm one of the lucky ones raised in the church by a large christian family. Some the best conversations I've had with our savior has come from sitting out in the middle of the lake in the boat.
Hanr3 said:
The real question is.

Have you been saved?

I have.
Christ walks with me, and at time carries me.

yes i am i was saved in June of 2007

fender66 said:
THIS is a GREAT thread. Love every response so far.

i half to agree with you every post is awesome!!!