I know this sounds redneck but.....


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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2009
Reaction score
Snellville, GA
I just watched Myth Busters and they had an episode about Duct tape.

One of the things they did was patch a boat using duct tape on the outside of the boat. They did in fact patch well enough to get you back to the pier, however if it is applied wet, i.e. while in the water, it wont stick as well as if you have the ability to beach the boat and have the opertunity to apply it dry and out of the water.

They even took it one further and build a steel rod frame and built a complete sail boat out of duct tape and it floated.

Know that no one here would build a complete boat out of duct tape, but thought I would pass on the part about the patching a boat though.

I can't say I've ever used duct tape on a boat but back in my skydiving days I've used it on more than one occasion to patch small holes in my parachute until a proper repair could be made by a certified rigger. We used to call it 100-mile an hour tape and with good reason. Along with a good multi-tool, it's something that I've never without while on the water.
if you want some REAL duct tape - try gorilla tape... holy smokes is that stuff strong
Mythbusters also made a jon boat out of ice and put a 70hp on it.I think that was the size putboard.mythbusters-boat-3-0509.jpg
Opps I was wrong...a 150hp 4 srtoke:/
I grew up on a lake and my dad bought me a 1236 flatboat for my 10th birthday (I have a great dad). We named it the Leaky Teaky. you could fish for about 45 minutes before you would need to pull it up on the bank to dump the water out. My brother and I would roll it over, dry it off, and apply duct tape to the leaking rivets. It would last for a couple of hours before it would water log and fall off. We would stop and repeat the process all day.
Anybody ever make a sweat suit out of it?


Or baby sat a kid with it?
