My 1985 PolarKraft project (HELP, I BROKE my boat! page 13)

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Thanks!!!! That make me feel even better about the Yeah its a VERY FINE LINE, especailly along with my other hobbies like the fishing and my truck.

here are pics from this weekend:



Caught this one at a river (not the watershed in the above pics)

Nice Job! My son and I have a 1436 we are looking to modify and I like you design.
flatboat said:
what a transformation ,that really came out good . like the layout . is that an old mariner tm ? those things had some power great job

Yeah it is and it was free lol. I have been hearing about the power they have. Its only a 28 thrust, so we shall see
Very nice work man, totally going to copy this idea! I pretty much had this idea figured in my mind, it's just really reassuring to see it done and done properly with a lot of care in each step, I have a 1236 and it's going to be très sexay when done, can't wait!
Taking it to a tourney Saturday at a watershed about 1 1/2 hours away! Her first tournament!!!

Did you happen to snap a good pic of the capacity plate before you sided the boat? I'd like to see if I can get Bulldog to make a replica for me.
Man, I was looking through your thread and came across the name of your boat. A friend and I had a brainstorming sesh over a few beers a while back and Bass Ackwards is what we came up with if I was to get a boat. I think your project is now officially my inspiration. Now if I could only find a boat around here. Rock on dude :beer:
bassackwards said:
Man, I was looking through your thread and came across the name of your boat. A friend and I had a brainstorming sesh over a few beers a while back and Bass Ackwards is what we came up with if I was to get a boat. I think your project is now officially my inspiration. Now if I could only find a boat around here. Rock on dude :beer:

lol, yeah I liked the name too! the boat seems to be a few people's inspirations haha. Im glad everyone likes my boat so good
dixie, can you pm me the info on the paint you used? thanks
"For the sides I used thin 1/8" wood."

did you really use 1/8" plywood for the side panels?

i am planning on using 1/4" plywood and was worried that would be too thin. but i suppose the resin really strengthened it up huh?
Express said:
"For the sides I used thin 1/8" wood."

did you really use 1/8" plywood for the side panels?

i am planning on using 1/4" plywood and was worried that would be too thin. but i suppose the resin really strengthened it up huh?

yeah i really did. it has two coats of fiberglass on it though, so its fine. its riveted in place so its not going anywhere either

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