New Member with a 1968 Richline 14

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Oct 10, 2013
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Picked up a 14' V bottom tin boat last weekend. Title has it listed as a 1968 Richline 14. Just a basic hull, I have a 9.9 Suzuki for it. Ill post pics in the morning. I have started to replace the wood transom that the last owner did a poor job of. It looks like there was a piece of wood on the outside originally. Does anyone have any info on this? I would rather not have wood on the outside but also don't want it to look like a hardware store once I fill all the holes with bolts to hold the transom board in. I am also raising the transom at the same time since my motor is a 20" shaft. I had ideas of everything from plywood outside to aluminum. Still in the plan stage but trying to get it done soon to hopefully get in some fall fishing.
Here are the pics of what I have going so far. They seem to be in reverse order.


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I have a similar size boat. I too could have gone with increasing the height of the transom but I didn't want to mess with it, and I only needed about an inch (wanted to get on the water and shimmed the motor instead).
The original wood on the outside seemed too large to me and the inside wood too short. So, I cut the outside so that, in my mind, any force from the motor back into the outside transom wood transferred into the middle of the inside wood piece instead of below on thin aluminum. Does that make sense?

I used alumaweld to fill some of the holes and some poly concrete caulk to get others. All the fastening hardware has a bead of the poly caulk.

Since this photo I have cleaned up some of the ruff looking areas, but this is the pic I have...

Had family in town for the weekend so I didnt get anything done on the boat. I have the motor at work waiting on a water pump kit and some carb parts. I will get some better pics of the transom this evening if the weather cooperates. I would like to cover the transom area with a full plate do to the mass amount of holes. Not sure weather wood or aluminum will be better for that. Gonna do a little more looking around for now.
If you do the aluminum plate thing how will you attach it?

Have you thought of just cutting out the old alum transom and replacing?
Not really sure. Kinda why I posted here. It will be bolted thru the transome with all the existing holes. I could weld the edge but it I went that far I might as well replace the whole thing a do it all aluminum and no wood. I may wind up just doing it with a piece of wood sealed with epoxy then painted. Mostly I wanted to cover the wood where it extends above the aluminum and have the corner pieces cover the top edge.
Check out my post, I am working on the same boat. What I believe to be the original transom is on the first pic.

I used the transom on the boat as a template to make my own out of oak plywood (actually plied it myself out of 3-1/4" pieces i had laying around). I glued the crap out of it, stained it and when it was lookin' pretty, i slapped a couple layers of fiberglass resin on it for waterproofing. You can see it in some of the pics.

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