Quest for the Biggest Bass

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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2009
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio
So watching that national geographic hooked show, and the three guys who are looking for the world record fresh water bass (22lbs was the record in 1932) im about to start my quest haha. If you find the new record bass, there is a payout of $ 8,000,000!!!!!! Id buy you all new boats!
well nevermind just saw that when the guy landed a bass close to the record the group offering the 8,000,000 prize is no longer offering that. oh well! guess ill never get rich haha
dude I was already on the computer trying to find that same thing.. I saw it was killed after the guy caught dottie the first time
ouch dottie got snagged, if the 8 mil woulda been on the line..... im thinking i would have put a hook in the mouth :---) [-o< =D>
Wow, i was just looking all this up not too long ago. I thought those guys story was pretty interesting. Im impressed they were able to track her down year after year. I dont know how big Dixon Lake is, but to find, and catch the same fish 3 times is impressive. Im pretty sure the second time he caught it, it was over the record but it took too long for the Conservation people to get there and confirm. By that time she had dropped a few ounces below the record. Then the 3rd time they snagged her. The guys were pretty classy to admit that and not try to cover it up somehow.

I also heard Denny Green (ex football coach) got ahold of them and going looking for her also. I have seen him on a lot of fishing shows. He's a huge bass fan.
I hope someone unsuspecting catches the record, not some people hunting it down. It would be cool if it was me or some kid just going out there to fish.
there may not be a 8 mil prize for catching it, but i'd almost guarantee you'd make over a million just in indorsments. whatever pole you have, line, lure, ect ect..

yall should just not bother with it.. ill be catching that money bass :mrgreen:
Loggerhead Mike said:
there may not be a 8 mil prize for catching it, but i'd almost guarantee you'd make over a million just in indorsments. whatever pole you have, line, lure, ect ect..

yall should just not bother with it.. ill be catching that money bass :mrgreen:

Thats what I was thinking too LM, I actually post a thread here while back on what steps you have to take for when you catch the big one.

I didn't get much an answere, I wouldn't know who to call except FW or gamewarden.
If you get what you might think is a record breaker - right after you catch him start calling DNR. They'll come out there and help you preserve it and do an unoffical weight. After that they'll have to get (can't remember the certifying group's name) but, they get their scales to do an offical weight. It will probably lose a few oz's - 1 lb before they make it official. That's how I've seen it done in the past anyways. Keep the DNR phone number programmed into your cell and call them when your heading to the ramp
Watch it be caught on a barbie poll by some kid on vacation right in front of some big name angler. Wouldn't that be something... LOL
But it sure would be great to have it on the end of your line... I'll let you all know when I catch it.. :D
well considering ohio's state record is 13lbs.... i doubt a 22lber is coming any time soon haha.

But if you do catch that fish, while your waiting for the dnr to show up feed it some minnows! hahaha
i'd probably get so caught up in callin all my friends i'd forget about the dnr untill the fish was dead :shock:

we dont have much of an dnr here. they'd probably tell us to bring it too them
I just called dnr and they said that I wouldn't have to wait for dnr to show up, but rather find the stores in the area that have certified scales... then go from there - she said the people at the stores would know the steps to get an official weight... but she did mention that you need to keep the bass alive. She said the Bass Pro Shops here will make you a free replica if you were to donate the fish to them for them to put in their displays which could end up on the other side of the country.

I've got one of those replicas for a 7lbr i had made a few years back... they are really great quality if you ever decide to do it.. expensive, but it looks good.
Jim said:
I hope someone unsuspecting catches the record, not some people hunting it down. It would be cool if it was me or some kid just going out there to fish.
Exactly what I want if it gets broken. I really hope it stands forever though