Spring back, Fall ahead


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Grumble.. Hate the time change..


If it must be, change it 1/2 hour and leave it there, year around..

It was brought about to help farmers.. Last time I checked, most farmers have lights on tractors.. I've operated a combine after midnight without a single issue..

I wish it would just stay on daylight savings time !!!
lovedr79 said:
my not so atomic clock is back on schedule now after 6 months of being off by an hour.
My programmable thermostat is now off an hour. I expect the problem to fix it's self in 6 months.
paper said:
Grumble.. Hate the time change..


If it must be, change it 1/2 hour and leave it there, year around..

It was brought about to help farmers.. Last time I checked, most farmers have lights on tractors.. I've operated a combine after midnight without a single issue..

I don't see how moving the clocks would help or hurt a farmer since they are self employed and can have their field hands start at any time that suits the farming needs. I know most of the farmers around here will cut beans/rice/corn/etc, regardless of what the clock says. At least until the dew hits and they have to stop. I was under the impression that the original idea behind it was so that the avg. 9 to 5 employee would have an extra hour of daylight once he got home from work to do personal things, mowing the yard, doing something with the family, etc. Moving the clocks was easier than trying to convince all the millions of business to let their employees start an hour earlier. My personal preference would be to go to DST and leave the clocks there but since I'm not a 9 to 5 guy any more, it's not a big deal to me one way or the other.
I was told the original farmer assistance reason was pre-lights on tractor time.. Or at least pre-good lights..

This is idiotic. There is no more daylight in the day as it was before. Pick a time and leave it alone. If you want to halve it down the middle, fine. But don't keep changing the time back & forth. It causes more problems than it solves.
paper said:
I was told the original farmer assistance reason was pre-lights on tractor time.. Or at least pre-good lights..

Interesting article and a lot of the info was "new" to me so thanks for that. I don't even remember DST as a kid, but I guess there is the possiblity that my state elected not to use DST back then. Now it's got me curious and I'll have to try to find out if they were using it in my home state when I was growing up. LoL