Stupidest thing you ever did on the water???

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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2009
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Millington, TN
So last week I was tying on a jig and I pulled out my leatherman to cut the tail off the knot. I clipped it, and instead of tossing the jig off the edge of my boat, i tossed my leatherman, in 20' of water. FAIL
A few years back my son and I were out fishing and I didn't realize he had layed his rod and reel down behind me in the boat so wouldn't you know next cast I slung his rod and reel out of the boat never to be seen again. He still prods me about that and he was around seven then he is twelve now.
Went fishing by myslef after partying the night before. I was so excited to get out on the water that I backed the truck up to the ramp jumped out to unhook the boat and almost got clotheslined by the door of the truck...........I forgot to put it in park. :shock:
Where to start? The list gets longer with each trips passing. When netting a fish for my wife, i reached in and pulled the fish out to give to her and tossed the net aside (into the lake). I have fallen off the bow of a buddies bass boat in 60' of water. But the one that gets me the most is dropping the boat into the lake and forgetting to put the plug in. It only happened once, nearly sunk the boat.
I launched the boat, traveled to my spot to start fishing, dropped the anchor and realized I had left all of my rods in the back of my pick-up at the landing. I had to travel back to the landing to retrieve them. Felt like a fool.
Got home from work....quickly changed clothes and hitched up the boat. On my drive to the lake, I kept hearing something making a weird "chunking" noise behind the truck. Finally pulled over in a gas station to see what the problem was and discovered that my trailer was sitting on TOP of the ball and not locked down on it. I had already drove about 3 or 4 miles like that. #-o I'll NEVER make that mistake again.
This may not be the stupidest thing, but it is something I'll never be able to forget. When I was 8 years old my Grandparents, who were farmers, took me fishing. It was my first time using a closed faced rod and reel rather than a cane pole. My grandfather, who was sitting behind me, had warned me twice that I just about taken his hat off on while casting. I remember after few casts later I announced to my Grandmother, who was sitting in front of me, that I had cast out so I couldn't see where it had landed. I then heard my grandfather mumble that he knew where it had landed. I turned around and he was sitting there with my hook in his upper lip. He told me that it would have to be cut out. I asked my grandmother if she was going to do it. She said she couldn't. I asked my grandfather if we were going to have to go the the doctor to have it cut out. My grandfather's reply was if he went to the doctor he would hear about it the rest of his life. But if I cut it out I would get to hear about it the rest of my life.

That man sat there, never made a sound and had an 8 year old cut a #6 panfish hook out of his upper lip with a pocket knife.

That event happened 50 years ago this summer. Why do I still remember it so vividly? Because my grandfather was right. Not a family gathering has gone by that I haven't been reminded of the time I "caught" Grandpa.

He did take me fishing after that, and I never hooked him, or anyone else for that matter again.
I can't even begin to determine which is the dumbest thing I've ever done, but I have a laundry list of stupid things.

I bought a brand new aerated bucket (the blue one w/the aerator inside) and promptly dipped it into the water while on in order to fill it...immediately ruining the electronics.

Sadly I've lost grip on more than one rod while casting and lost them.

I've tossed lures into the water while they weren't tied on to the line.

I've launched the boat with no plug in it (it fills with water very quickly btw)

I've been in a canoe when high centered on a sandbar, someone (not me thankfully) leaned the canoe into the water trying to wiggle the canoe loose (this also fills the boat with water quickly)

I've lost more than a couple of minnow buckets by simply dropping them into 20'+ of water

Shut the door on a brand new pole whilst in the parking lot of the store where it was purchased.

I know there are several other stupid things, but they don't come to mind just yet...I'm sure I'll have others to update in this thread
I got one to add, well multiple, but this was one of the worst.

I had just purchased an 18ft 1980 glastron boat (my first boat) and towed it up to Maine for vacation with my wife and kids. This was also my first time taking the boat out since the test run when purchased. The loading dock is about 1/4 mile from my family's place, and after a 3 hour ride with two kids, I couldn't wait to get the boat on the water. So rather than going to our place first to unload everything, I pulled directly into the boat ramp and got the boat in the water. I had my wife and kids stand a few feet in the water to hold the boat as I drove the truck to our place so I could walk back and drive the boat around the lake to dock it.

Well, as I'm walking back to the boat ramp I hear my wife yelling in panic to me. I start running towards the boat ramp (side note here... I realized at that moment how out of shape I was and literally ran for only a few feet) only to find my wife up to her waist in water, my kids crying... guess what i forgot... THE PLUG! The boat had slowly sank to the sandy bottom (luckily the ramp is at the shallow part of the lake at just about 2-4ft. I felt like an a$$ and my kids got to see it first hand!

I couldn't budge the boat, as it had about 2ft of water in it. I had to call my uncle and cousin to come help pump out the water (yes, no bilge pump was in the boat either) and drag it back onto the trailer almost 5 hrs later.

Dont you just love family vacations!
A school buddy of mine and I were fishing a tournament on Douglas one evening back in the late 90's. The fish had been biting the crankbait pretty good so we were both standing in the front of the boat casting. He was throwing his usual Bandit 300 and I was throwing my #9 Risto Rap on a spinning rod. As we were cruising up the bank I laid the hammer down and gave one of those superman casts we all like to do from time to time (dont lie, you know you've done it :) ). About that time I felt a thud and watched my hat and my crankbait go flying off into the lake in front of me. Dazed, I put my hand on my head and brought it back down only to notice I had blood all over it. At this point we're both a little scared, I ask my buddy to take a look and see what happened. He responds with an "oh my lord, you've got a hole in your head" (keep you comments to yourself). Being the genius I am (insert sarcasm here), I reach down and get one of my hand towels, dip it in the lake water and then proceed to place it on my head to stop the bleeding. Don't ask because I really don't know what I was thinking at this point... We took couple of minutes to gather ourselves and once we were a little more settled, I wound my lure and my hat back into the boat. One of the treble hooks had went through my hat and hanging from the hook was piece of my scalp about the size of a dime. I cut the hat and then the flesh from the hook, put the hat on over the towel and continued fishing through the night. Yet another memory I'll never forget... My buddy and I still talk and laugh about it to this day.
Well this is kinda like "can you top this". Sounds like I am not the only one to forget to put the plug in the boat. Not the only one to throw a net overboard or step on a just bought rod. I would guess the dumbest thing that has happened to me was not of my doing other than I should have knowen better.....While fishing at night and trolling along with the small gas motor with me standing in the front of the small jon boat I anounced to the now X friend that I need to ah. go to the bathroom. He said just lean over to one side and we'll keep trolling so as to not loose our depth.... I no sooner than had started to ah, go to the bathroom, when he shut off the motor... I am here to tell you that no matter how much you flail your arms in windmill fashion you cannot get back to an upright position... I threw the rod and reel into the boat and In I went... water very cold.. Me very mad even though we laughed about it many times over the years I will still not go fishing with him ever again.
I now carry a P can in every boat I fish from...
Yeah, try and wrestle a trolling motor that someone forgot to tighten down. #-o Do you know how powerful those little things are when youre not expecting it. :shock: Looked like a dang idiot out there trying to land a whale.
Backed the boat in the water walked to the back and forgot to put the plug in so i pulled the boat out and let water drain, meanwhile i went and sat down in the car after all the water had drained i backed right back down the ramp to figure out that i had forgoten to put the plug in again. :LOL2:
One time i was drinking a glass of water while hitching the trailer up to the truck. I placed the glass of water (it was 1/2 full) on the bumper of the car for a minute. Well, i forgot it and made a 10 mile trip to the lake. When i backed the truck down the ramp and went to launch the boat, I found a glass of water on the bumper. I once also did this with a pair of sunglasses. I guess I am a good driver :D
while fishing for macks off a philippine outrigger boat called bangka, a friend of mine hooked a 5 foot black tip shark. it was his first shark so instead of cutting the line to release. he insisted that we land it, take photos and release afterwards. we did not have a noose, so he gaffed it in the mouth. my friend gaffs the shark, hauls it on the deck, the shark immediatly flops around, my friend looses control, shark drops on the tiny cockpit and twists and turns around flailing his head with gaping jaws, making us scatter like flies. now these local boats are narrow, we were fishing off a bigger than normal bangka, but even then the open cockpit was only about 4x4 feet, rest of the boat was engine bay and storage space. i was trapped and had nowhere to go but over the side. isn't it ironic? jumping to the water to save myself from a shark attack...... i totally blame myslef for trusting a new guy with such a dangerous animal.
Last night unloading my boat as usual. Went to get out to detach the rope from my truck and realized I wasn't in park. I was in reverse. I was able to stop it just as the exhaust was submerged. Fortunately there were three teenaged witnesses there to watch. Just seconds from a YouTube boat ramp idiot video. Guess I shouldn't have had that tall boy on the ride to go fishing.
me and a buddy went fishing at this private lake elec motor only lake, anyhow i launched the boat my friend had the lead in his hand, the line went tight and snap!!! my boat was floating steadily away from the dock both of us standing there kinda shocked, so my buddy strips down jumps in and swins about 300 feet to the boat, so i threw his clothes in the back of the truck and went to park it!!! and took my time carrying his clothes back.... he never went fishing with me again :LOL2: dont know why!!!!
At one of my spots, Has a hornet nest in tree, Dummy me got hung up in said tree, after shaking a few time to get loose, hornets got mad, I was lucky

Won't do it again, lesson learned [-X

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