Tenn. school shooting


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Agree with pathunter also, seems like there are way too many people in today's society that are going off the rails anymore, there is a core reason that that is happening.
We have had several murders in our town in the last few years, one where a brother killed his brother with a knife, and another where a daughter killed her mother with a crossbow, no amount of gun laws would have stopped either one of those murders. Then there's many other instances, like pushing people onto subway tracks which has happened multiple times, why would anyone even want to do that.
It’s due to what passes for “News” anymore.

The subset this individual falls into is being told they’re being persecuted, when this couldn’t be farther from the truth.

Couple that with the inherent mental instability of not being able to rationally deal with what they see in the mirror and people go off the rails.
Deleted post was quoted here - Canoe

Why is McFlys sick post still up?
This is why civil conversation can't be had on serious topics.
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I was reading this morning that CBS News will not allow it's reporters to say the shooter was transgender.
The reason given is that it's not an important fact of the story.
I think it's a very important fact.

I agree. It is a fact with no reason to be withheld and in this case it sure seems it is important.
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The new admin of the site contacted me (I assume they contacted most) asking for more input and also what would help pick the site up a little. Looks like a simple post on a current event did just that. Lots of angles and points to speak on. If the admin thinks it's political I suspect they will caution me. If others don't want to read/see/talk about these issues they can always not click on them.
The new admin of the site contacted me (I assume they contacted most) asking for more input and also what would help pick the site up a little. Looks like a simple post on a current event did just that. Lots of angles and points to speak on. If the admin thinks it's political I suspect they will caution me. If others don't want to read/see/talk about these issues they can always not click on them.

Thanks for sharing this. Controversial current events will always generate more traffic I think. I just hope this doesn't turn into another forum where 90% of the posts are rude bickering and people come just to watch the fighting. I've been guilty of that and hopefully learned my lesson.

There used to be a great fishing forum covering Northern California that had a tremendous amount of great information. The forum was an offspring of a regional magazine for west coast sportsmen. The posts became so antagonistic and political that advertisers threatened to leave. The forum is gone. The online magazine is still there.

I do occasionally try to start new posts (or bump new member posts) for no other reason than to generate more traffic. Sadly, I'm just not that creative. :)

One thing I will suggest is that we make sure to engage new members and make them feel welcome.
Deleted post was quoted here" - Canoe

Why is McFlys sick post still up?
This is why civil conversation can't be had on serious topics.
I have the perfect reply to him, but I will refrain, just use your imagination!
A post like that is totally unacceptable and should be deemed as such!

Best to report then ignore. Trolls will go away if they don't get any reaction.
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Thanks for sharing this. Controversial current events will always generate more traffic I think. I just hope this doesn't turn into another forum where 90% of the posts are rude bickering and people come just to watch the fighting. I've been guilty of that and hopefully learned my lesson.

There used to be a great fishing forum covering Northern California that had a tremendous amount of great information. The forum was an offspring of a regional magazine for west coast sportsmen. The posts became so antagonistic and political that advertisers threatened to leave. The forum is gone. The online magazine is still there.

I do occasionally try to start new posts (or bump new member posts) for no other reason than to generate more traffic. Sadly, I'm just not that creative. :)

One thing I will suggest is that we make sure to engage new members and make them feel welcome.
I fully understand the not wanting things to turn into every day arguments, a forum should be first and foremost informative on the topic it's designed to cover, then should be secondary topics. We must fact facts though, how many small outboard motors can be covered, there's not much innovation taking place unless you want to talk E outboards and I at least don't want one. So unless we are content with a small handful of posts per week we need to add something top spice things up without falling overboard.
Thank you for that reported that one post. It has been taken care of.
Thanks for sharing this. Controversial current events will always generate more traffic I think. I just hope this doesn't turn into another forum where 90% of the posts are rude bickering and people come just to watch the fighting. I've been guilty of that and hopefully learned my lesson.

There used to be a great fishing forum covering Northern California that had a tremendous amount of great information. The forum was an offspring of a regional magazine for west coast sportsmen. The posts became so antagonistic and political that advertisers threatened to leave. The forum is gone. The online magazine is still there.

I do occasionally try to start new posts (or bump new member posts) for no other reason than to generate more traffic. Sadly, I'm just not that creative. :)

One thing I will suggest is that we make sure to engage new members and make them feel welcome.
I was the first to reply in this thread I wasn't intending to do anything more than be able to have a discussion on a subject that might have those with differing opinions.
During the last couple of elections this site stayed pretty much out of it. I liked that.
For being a real hot topic I think it went ok and glad this thread didn't get closed down.
Agree with pathunter also, seems like there are way too many people in today's society that are going off the rails anymore, there is a core reason that that is happening.
We have had several murders in our town in the last few years, one where a brother killed his brother with a knife, and another where a daughter killed her mother with a crossbow, no amount of gun laws would have stopped either one of those murders. Then there's many other instances, like pushing people onto subway tracks which has happened multiple times, why would anyone even want to do that.
why would they do that? because they are told to do that. take me to your leader............must...check...fakebook...all Americans are evil........priveledge, diversity, global warming, whiteys fault.
Was not going to post in this thread but changed my mind. One of the things I really like about this forum is the lack of politics. The forum is full of good info especially for a new guy to boating. Have been a member of many motorcycle forums and lost interest in a short amount of time. Reason Politics interfered with most threads. Real easy to derail a good conversation when someone interjects a personal political view. I come on here to learn about boats and to share my experiences related to boats. Enjoy it very much. Not complaining just added my two cents worth.
I fully understand the not wanting things to turn into every day arguments, a forum should be first and foremost informative on the topic it's designed to cover, then should be secondary topics. We must fact facts though, how many small outboard motors can be covered, there's not much innovation taking place unless you want to talk E outboards and I at least don't want one. So unless we are content with a small handful of posts per week we need to add something top spice things up without falling overboard.
I was the first to reply in this thread I wasn't intending to do anything more than be able to have a discussion on a subject that might have those with differing opinions.
During the last couple of elections this site stayed pretty much out of it. I liked that.
For being a real hot topic I think it went ok and glad this thread didn't get closed down.

I did not mean to imply subjects like this should be avoided. While I wish it had not happened, this is a valid Water Hole subject, IMO. I just hope we can keep discussions with opposing viewpoints from going off the rails. Or to borrow a better phrase, without falling overboard.
Let's all be glad the insane feminine humanoid biped shot the glasss out of the door, thus loosing the element of surprise. This gave teachers a chance to get the classroom doors locked, and limit the shooter's access to more targets.

Let's all be glad the insane feminine humanoid biped shot the glasss out of the door, thus loosing the element of surprise. This gave teachers a chance to get the classroom doors locked, and limit the shooter's access to more targets.

I’m not sure how significant being a humanoid biped is to the story, but potentially being transgender would be. What I see as common in all mass shooter stories are very disturbed individuals acting out a feeling of empowerment with guns. Though the weapon is not the problem, it certainly does empower the killers, typically to great effect.
I’m not sure how significant being a humanoid biped is to the story, but potentially being transgender would be. What I see as common in all mass shooter stories are very disturbed individuals acting out a feeling of empowerment with guns. Though the weapon is not the problem, it certainly does empower the killers, typically to great effect.
I also see another common thread, seems the FBI or other authority always had the person on their radar but failed to act upon them. In this case this person was under the care of a mental health professional and still was buying a dozen weapons, I thought you could not buy guns in mentally impaired.
I thought you could not buy guns in mentally impaired.
You can't, unless you lie on your 4473, and the FBI or BATFE doesn't do thier job and check the facts.
Then, too, if no one ever reports the status of the individual, so that the info is in the NICS database, then they get approved with whatever info is in the database.
