Wacky Rigging


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When you guys wacky rig, do you cast, let it fall, let it sit then reel back in, repeat process?
bearsphan3.14 said:
When you guys wacky rig, do you cast, let it fall, let it sit then reel back in, repeat process?

I dont usually like to let it sit on the bottom for long, when I use it I like to let it fall, give it a few twitches, then let it fall again.
I use a 2/0 Gamakatsu Finesse Weedless Wide Gap hook with a O-ring around the worm using a wacky tool. I usually cast it out, let it fall, then I raise the rod tip, which lifts the worm more vertically, then I drop the rod tip and reel in the slack, repeat.
Queencitybassman said:
I work it the same way as a texas rig.. I give it a bit of action

x2. I rarely use an overhand cast, mainly pitch - lose too many worms overhand and nasty bird's nests when the worm flies off the hook.
I have good success using a 2/0 red finesse hook and Chompers super wacky worms in watermelon red or june bug depending on water color. I fish this rig on a 6'6"med action spinning rod and a mitchell 308 reel with 6lb mono. I cast it out let it sink and give it 2 or 3 twitches, let it sink 2or 3 twitches all the way back. One of my confidence baits for sure.
I know this is a super late response to this thread, but I had some wacky rig thoughts/questions for others too.

Has anybody here ever tried a weightless setup with either a snap swivel or barrel swivel w/lead (essentially a non-weighted Carolina Rig)? I've just gotten into fishing the wacky rig and I thought that a faux-Carolina Rig might be a way to get even more action out of the fall and might even save the bait from being ripped to pieces so frequently.

How much difference does the hook make? I typically just use my standard fare Gamakatsu 2/0 worm hooks and I do miss a few fish, but I'd say I've got a 90% success rate on hooksets.

How have people done with this type of rig on smallmouth bass?
I bought Bill's wacky rig tool and tried the O rings. Yes you do loose a few BUT I get a few days out of some worms.

The hook and line take the stress of hooking weeds & twigs instead of the worm getting tangled in the mess. The only bad thing is the hook drops under the worm so it grabs the weeds when you lift it or start to reel it in...

I do like not buying as many packs of Yamamotos. You do have to check the condition of the worm under the O ring. Even storing them back in the bag using them so long the worm gets funny under the ring after a week or two!