what about boat names?


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Apr 9, 2009
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so now there is a question for all....
looking for the right name for your boat.....anybody want to share their boat name???
i'm still looking for mine.... #-o
Marsh Master = Alweld I currently have
Wasabi = Cobia 23'
Trophy Seeker = 29' sportfisher
No SPECKtator = Bay boat

These are boats I've owned in the past.

I have a friend with a 60' sportfisher named Money Eater and it has a 13' Boston Whaler for a lifeboat named Penny pincher.

I also know a guy with a huge 20'+ Aluminum boat that is slime green and it's called the Sea Pickle
Mine is the Wooley Booger, I like to fly-fish. The Wooly Bugger is my favorite fly and my boat is a ugly green.
When I get my next one it will be "comfortably numb".
My kids helped my name mine.....

"Little Monster" - 12' Semi-V with a 10hp Evinrude Sportwin

Mines general vince

i named it after a good old man i became friends with in nashville. he watched over our apartment house and we were his only family along w/ some neighbors. well he pass'd about 2 years later with no family to take his belongings. everybody decided that i should take his boat since i was the only one that ever went fishing with him. well thats the short version. boat has alot of sentamental value, its nice to be out alone and hope ole vince is fishing rite there with me.

and now that i think about it, this year has been the best fishing year to date for me
I've been thinking I want to name mine "The Wake-Field"
(Tim Wakefield is my all time favorite Baseball player)
but it was suggested that "Fishin' Magician" would be a better fit.
Loggerhead Mike said:
Mines general vince

i named it after a good old man i became friends with in nashville. he watched over our apartment house and we were his only family along w/ some neighbors. well he pass'd about 2 years later with no family to take his belongings. everybody decided that i should take his boat since i was the only one that ever went fishing with him. well thats the short version. boat has alot of sentamental value, its nice to be out alone and hope ole vince is fishing rite there with me.

and now that i think about it, this year has been the best fishing year to date for me

=D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>
I'm leaning towards Drake Taker... but the jury's still out. I've got to resurrect her first.
YOu guys remember the Scow's in the comic strip; POGO?
They had a different name on each side and end. I'm thinking of doing that to my 15' Aluminum Jon.
"tin Lizzie", "Fishy odure", "tin minner" and "thin fins"
well, when i 1st got mine, all i had had was a small trolling motor. it was the first (and last) time my g/f went out in it with me and i told her to watch out for stumps, well she didnt and we ran up on one. we were out there for about 15 minutes going from one end of the boat to the other and doing donuts with the trolling motor until we finally got off.......was pretty hilarious but she didnt think so, so i think mine will be stumped, stumper or stump jumper :D