Wrong Motor?


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Well-known member
Jun 7, 2011
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I recently ordered a new outboard motor for my jon boat. It looks like they sent me the wrong motor... by the weight of the thing I believe it is a 2000 hp instead of a 20 hp! I guess a few extra zero's makes a huge difference in the weight. It is supposed to be a 2011 Tohatsu 4-stroke 20 hp, but like I said by the weight it must be a 2000 hp!

My wife asked me if I've put it on the boat yet, I told her that I couldn't even get it into the house, the box was too wide. After trying to recall everything that I knew about physics, I finally got the monster inside. Later, my wife phoned again and asked how it looked? I told her it looked fine... just fine... at least the side I could see laying on the floor. I wasn't sure how I was going to get it out of the box so I thought that maybe instead of taking the motor out of the box... I could take the box off the motor! Brilliant! Just remove everything that wasn't the motor. I finally got the motor and the box separated, but now I needed to get the thing out the door and on the boat. I now wish that I would have upgraded the house when we built it... it would have been swell if I could have just drove the truck and the boat into the house so I wouldn't have to carry that elephant around.

With a little help from my son and the Corp of Engineers, we were successful in lifting the mammoth up on the transom. It didn't look as big on the internet photo, but looking back it wazzz attached to a battleship/aircraft carrier or something. As soon as my muscles rejuvenate, I'm gonna take this thing for a spin and relieve my family from paddling. :)
So you took it inside your house to take the box off? If I ordered a new outboard from my dealer, they had better install it for me or I'd be visiting another dealer.
someone need to eat thier wheaties the motor ony weighs 140 lbs if you got the power trim
chavist93 said:
So you took it inside your house to take the box off? If I ordered a new outboard from my dealer, they had better install it for me or I'd be visiting another dealer.

Yep... unfortunately I had to get back to work and I didn't have time at that moment to put it on the boat. I ordered the motor from a company online. They were too far off to drive and pick it up, besides they offered free shipping and no sales tax since I was in another state. They would be happy to install the motor for ya, if you didn't mind driving cross country to get the job done. It worked out better being a distant customer instead of an instate customer.

redbug said:
someone need to eat thier wheaties the motor ony weighs 140 lbs if you got the power trim

Yep... I need Wheaties like a dead man needs a coffin! :lol: Being the first time I have ever removed an outboard from a giant box that has the motor fixed in pretty tight. I wanted to make sure I didn't break any thing off getting it out. I felt more comfortable once I got it up vertical without the packing material hanging on.

And for the record... I did use some slight exaggerations... the Corp of Engineers really didn't come and help me hoist it up with a crane. :roll:
Both of my nissans came in a box. The 40hp was from a local bankrupcy, and the 18hp was purchased in Tampa on a trip and shipped back. Those styrofoam packing blocks must be allot heavier on those 4 strokes! :0
This company will only ship up to 20 hp. All others over 20 hp have to be picked up at their location.
There is a slight weight difference between the 2-stroke and the 4-stroke. The styrofoam isn't heavy, nor is the owner's manual. [-X

That sounds like a song: "It ain't heavy... it's my motor..." 8)
When I had my Nissan 18hp 4stroke delivered I went the easy route and had them put the box right next to my boat. Seems to me it only took about 15 minutes to open the box and put it on the back of the boat. Can't beat the fun of having a new motor. The worst part is taking the first 10 hrs slow as you follow the break in procedures.
I replaced a 1973 20hp 2 stroke Johnson with a brand new Honda 15hp four stroke. The Honda was significantly heavier! It took all my inner strength, mental and four letter verbal skills to heave that thing onto the transom! Maybe if they left out the lower unit lube it may have helped. :roll: