2008 Summer Photo Contest


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3) Official End Date to submit pics is Midnight (EDT), 16 September 2008 (which is one week prior to first day of Fall).

Just a reminder, only a couple of weeks left before the deadline! :wink: . Go to the first page of this topic to view the rules if you haven't entered yet 8)
The one I wish I would have gotten (would have actually been my wife taking it though) was a deer wading down the trout stream just 50 feet from our camp site. She had left her purse in the truck and her camera was in the purse. Anyhow I stupidly didn't take any pictures of my Trout that I caught but did manage some deers and moos pictures. Certainly not as good of pictures as already submitted but thought I would share with you guys some of what I saw in SW Wiscoland this past weekend.







C'mon, Y'all didn't think I meant MOOSE did you? :lol: :lol: :lol:

well I put up some deer stands two saturdays ago and most know about the chigger thing :lol: anyway I sat on a log to rest abit and behold my little friend came out to sun baith awhile, he or she was about 8inches long I'd say, it was cool

Then I got this one, didn't get them all in the pic, they was still comen out the woods when I snapped it, suckers just knew it wasn't thier season :roll: :x
flounderhead59 and FishingBuds added to list of participants! 8)

Here's the list. Have I missed anyone?

Participating Members: (as of 15 Sept., Time: 2136)
1) BassAddict
2) G3_Guy
3) alumacraftjoe
4) jkbirocz
5) AndrewR
6) brewfish
7) flounderhead59
8 ) FishingBuds
i'd have to vote for Dave Deutsch lilly pads, but since he's not a choice, i rekon ill have to go with the yummie turkeys
While I will admit that cow was acting pretty wild and I do like the picture myself, I'm not sure the domestic farm animals count towards the contest. I'm sort of partial a different one for my vote and I don't mean my deer pix either.
AndrewR said:
Whoah.. Hold up.

Don't mine get consideration for a vote or two?

Look page-4. :? :shock:

This is my fault Andrew....I wrote all the names on a piece of paper so I could create the poll....and I did not put your name down. #-o

Anyone who voted already........If you wanted to choose AndrewR Please PM me with who you voted for and I will make adjustments.
Scratch what I said folks. I guess when you add another name after the start, It resets everyone back to Zero.

Please vote again

Still learning these things guys! #-o