Bday fishing.

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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2008
Reaction score
Nova Scotia
Havn't been fishing for a week and 3 days,starting to go alittle nuts.
Finally was able to get some time today.
I knew of one tournament going on so headed another direction...right into another pickeral tournament:/,so off i went to try a new lake that i havn't been to before.
The lake was dark,visiblity about a foot,tops.Air temp. around 65,light winds,cloudy with sunny breaks,,,fished 2 till 7pm.
My friends are still around,Bday09 002.jpg
Tried not to put the jacket on but after an hour just had too.
Was using a fly rod at first and landed a little yellow perch,first y perch this year.I switched over to an Xrap but wasn't having any luck.I didn't know the lake,didn't have my finder so I pretty much was stuck to shore line,points and entrances where little brooks came into the lake.
After switching to a spinnerbait finally landed another fish,ended up catching 6 pickeral all about the same size.Bday09 005.jpgBday09 006.jpg
They deserve their picture taking as they were fighting pretty nicely today,not giving up at all.
Landed my first fish on a buzzbait this year,a nice smallie in the 2lbs range.Bday09 001.jpg
They are really pulling now that the water is warming up,lost another one at the boat trying to get a shot of it in the water.
Seen lots of wildlife today,geese(babies),ducks,beaver,muskrat,turtles a great way to spend a Bday.
Happy Bday Zum and way to catch em!

Sounds like a great Birthday.
Happy belated b day, glad you were able to figure out them slime darts, and got a few smallies to boot, good goin for fishin new water =D>
BassAddict said:
Happy belated birthday!! and nice slime darts!! were did ya get the jacket? it looks like it would be real handy for the skeeters round here
The bug jackets are sold everywhere up here,,,you can see why:)
Hopefully in a couple weeks I can do without one,they can be a pain to fish out of,almost make you sea sick at times...think it's a vision thing.
Figuring out that med-heavy rod,I have to set the hook more like a pull or circle hook sweep,especially with all braid.Otherwise I'm pulling it from them or ripping their mouths=(guessing).
Didn't want to buy a net but going today for one,lost a nice pickeral at the boat,wasn't man enough to lip him.
I dont think I would fish with flies like that, but you seemed to have figured them out. Happy bday, and nice catch.
Just some proof that there should be know more "loosing the fish at the boat" excuses.
Thinking of taking a wide peice(6+")of PVC,3'long,putting that ruler in there,for some good length/girth pictures.
Do any of you have any mods for something like that?
Wow, now thats a lot of bugs. Are the skeeters and knats just now "spawning" up north? Now that is nasty. I think i would have been like Mr. Fish and ran for the border. LoL.
I don't know what a skeeter/knat is...Those are blackflies,think there bigger then what your talking about.They will be a pain till the end of june.

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