Hummingbird Attack

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TinBoats Supporter
Aug 14, 2016
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Clayton California
Every year one or more hummingbirds build nests in the redwood tree branches on the side of my house. I was sitting out there yesterday and this little guy started to make dive bomb runs around my head. He must of thought I was threatening.

Not a very good pic, but best I could do with an iPhone and a hummingbird in attack mode.

HB Attach.jpg

We actually have a lot of birds around the place, including birds of prey. Not uncommon to be picking up their left over carnage from the yard. One time a little finch like bird landed on my arm and sat there for awhile before taking off. Maybe it felt protected or maybe it was just tired, or maybe it was near-sighted and thought I was a tree. Who knows, but I've never had that happen before.
Years ago I parked in the parking lot where I work and was walking into the building on the sidewalk when I was slapped in the back of the head. I thought a coworker might have been toying with me. When I turned around there was a Mockingbird attacking me. I had just walked by a cluster of bamboo and apparently she had a nest in there. She didn't take too kindly with me being that close to her nest.
Had a big storm come through. Went to check the boat and the HB attacked me again. Saw it chase away a blue jay too. Little guy thinks he is pretty tough -- like a flying wiener dog. Haha
