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    • LDUBS
      LDUBS reacted to Crazyboat's post in the thread Uptick in Spam Folder Stuff? with Like Like.
      It may be a regional thing or something of a bot that hacked your internet searches. I get spam but often in the form of political and...
    • LDUBS
      LDUBS reacted to Still Afloat's post in the thread Uptick in Spam Folder Stuff? with Like Like.
      I don’t really pay attention to them. What gets through gets reported or deleted asap. I’ll never click a link in an email to log onto...
    • LDUBS
      LDUBS reacted to Stand Up's post in the thread Uptick in Spam Folder Stuff? with Like Like.
      I get tons of spam from time to time. Then it dies down. Then a bunch of new ones come in. I just block and delete anything that...
    • LDUBS
      LDUBS replied to the thread Uptick in Spam Folder Stuff?.
      Since I opened this thread I've received nothing. I didn't know TB.net had that kind of power! Thanks everyone! :D
    • LDUBS
      LDUBS replied to the thread 1999 Crestliner Project.
      Looks pretty good to me. I think you will like the vinyl floor covering. As the young folk say, that stuff is the bomb.
    • LDUBS
      LDUBS replied to the thread Being Green.
      No worries. That makes two of us. haha.
    • LDUBS
      LDUBS reacted to Bantou's post in the thread Being Green with Like Like.
      It's probably my fault. I sometimes struggle to pick up on social cues in person, let alone online.
    • LDUBS
      LDUBS replied to the thread Bait Management.
      I hope it is "luxury" vinyl plank! :)
    • LDUBS
      LDUBS reacted to FuzzyGrub's post in the thread Bait Management with Like Like.
      Nothing fancy here. We occasionally fish for channel cats and have a piece of scrap laminate flooring for cutting board. Mainly for...
    • LDUBS
      I was thinking in terms of access to news.
    • LDUBS
      LDUBS reacted to Crazyboat's post in the thread Powering your home during power outages with Like Like.
      I neglected to add that in this post, but yes, it is in my previous post. In an emergency situation (where I am in NJ) power has never...
    • LDUBS
      LDUBS reacted to OldSailor85's post in the thread Being Green with Like Like.
      Don't lump all us "old people" together. Some of us were trained by depression survivors. I still have the leather jacket my future...
    • LDUBS
      LDUBS replied to the thread Being Green.
      What you do with the plastic bottles I do with a half gallon leftover root beer "bag" from KFC. The thing works great and has held up...
    • LDUBS
      LDUBS reacted to airshot's post in the thread Being Green with Like Like.
      And many if us older folks just understand that money doesn't grow on trees ! My wife and I worked hard for our family and spent...
    • LDUBS
      LDUBS replied to the thread Being Green.
      Thanks - my intent was a good natured joke. Sometimes I'm the only one who chuckles. :)
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