Jugging made lazy


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I can see I've upset the hive... :roll:

I didn't think anymore needed to be said, but I see like dealing with women it will never end. In Michigan (where I live) its not Legal. The only experience I've had with jugging is removing them from my prop, and having to navigate around them. The people who do it here are breaking the law, and leave them unattended for days on end. Sorry if I don't see the sport in that....

ShadowWalker said:
Can you guarantee the fish you catch won't swallow the hook and die after you release it? 8)

nope...... but I know if I just released it then its obviously NOT HOOKED... :LOL2:
Pruitt1222 said:
Never thought about reflective tape. Like the stuff you put on the side of a trailer? I don't know how well it would stick to the side of a gatorade bottle though, Would probably work better on a smooth 2-liter bottle though. Might have to give that a try, Thanks for the offer. I have a few stirps of the stuff from where I put it oon the side of my flatbed, If it works good I might have to take you up on it though. The lights work real well, I like to keep my jugs within 100 foot of the boat where I can see every thing at just a glance. I think if I put a strip across the bottom when the fish bounces the jug maybe I would see a flash from my anchor light.

The stuff I have is really thin and SUPER reflective. It will also stick to about anything for LIFE. Just let me know. Heck now I might even put some in the Box getting shippid out on friday.
Hey pruitt , keep on juggin , I Jug a lot and early spring usually run a long line never tried using lights I use flaggin jugs that flip up when ya get a bite made from walmart (big) pool noodles cut 1 ea makes 5 jugs put a 3/4" pvc pipe through center bout 20" long add 4" of 1/2" rebar and glue a cap on each end works like a champ Oklahoma law is 20 jugs with no more than 5 hooks pr jug , I use 1 circle hook on bout 5 ft line and bait and drop over side and let them drift they will go find ya a nice blue-cat the rebar in the jug will make a clicking noise as it moves slow across the water , I stay with my jugs as you do and take them with me when i leave limit of catfish here is 15 and ya always catch ya limit seems with the jugs fish mornings and daytime . i like blues from 3 to 5 lb best i throw all over 30" back the big sows are the breed stock just like Bull Reds We eat catfish on a regular bases at my house but after bout middle of june no more catfishing ya will find me casting a sluggo for big Bass or in the south texas flats cathcing bull reds and specks
I have jugged in the past... wasn't that high tech then ...lol... Now I see then jug fishing when we fish night tourneys however there isn't much jug to it. Make them out of pvc and then put a noodle on it. Most use reflective tape, but there are several that use led lights on them and trust me you can see them a mile away it seems.
we buy the orange noodles from walmart (the orange floats for pools) cut them up and use them for floats. they reflect pretty good in a spotlight, but i think your new idear would be the ticket

let us know how they work, any chances on getting a nite pic of them in action?

we usually only jug when we go camping. after fishing all day its somthing fun and different to do, and get some catfish to fry in the morning

The people who do it here are breaking the law, and leave them unattended for days on end. Sorry if I don't see the sport in that....

thats kind of like people spotlighting deer out of their truck windows.. down here you have to have your name, phone number, date jug was thrown out to be legal. if you dont find all your jugs that night, 99% of the time we get a phone call in the morning with somebody telling us where the jug is. common curtosy
drifter said:
Hey pruitt , keep on juggin , I Jug a lot and early spring usually run a long line never tried using lights I use flaggin jugs that flip up when ya get a bite made from walmart (big) pool noodles cut 1 ea makes 5 jugs put a 3/4" pvc pipe through center bout 20" long add 4" of 1/2" rebar and glue a cap on each end works like a champ Oklahoma law is 20 jugs with no more than 5 hooks pr jug , I use 1 circle hook on bout 5 ft line and bait and drop over side and let them drift they will go find ya a nice blue-cat the rebar in the jug will make a clicking noise as it moves slow across the water , I stay with my jugs as you do and take them with me when i leave limit of catfish here is 15 and ya always catch ya limit seems with the jugs fish mornings and daytime . i like blues from 3 to 5 lb best i throw all over 30" back the big sows are the breed stock just like Bull Reds We eat catfish on a regular bases at my house but after bout middle of june no more catfishing ya will find me casting a sluggo for big Bass or in the south texas flats cathcing bull reds and specks

i use the same kind
perchin said:
I can see I've upset the hive... :roll:

I didn't think anymore needed to be said, but I see like dealing with women it will never end. In Michigan (where I live) its not Legal. The only experience I've had with jugging is removing them from my prop, and having to navigate around them. The people who do it here are breaking the law, and leave them unattended for days on end. Sorry if I don't see the sport in that....

ShadowWalker said:
Can you guarantee the fish you catch won't swallow the hook and die after you release it? 8)

nope...... but I know if I just released it then its obviously NOT HOOKED... :LOL2:

Yea but....How do you know that a small piece of the hook didn't break off and kill the fish 3 days later?
MassFisherman said:
perchin said:
I can see I've upset the hive... :roll:

I didn't think anymore needed to be said, but I see like dealing with women it will never end. In Michigan (where I live) its not Legal. The only experience I've had with jugging is removing them from my prop, and having to navigate around them. The people who do it here are breaking the law, and leave them unattended for days on end. Sorry if I don't see the sport in that....

ShadowWalker said:
Can you guarantee the fish you catch won't swallow the hook and die after you release it? 8)

nope...... but I know if I just released it then its obviously NOT HOOKED... :LOL2:

Yea but....How do you know that a small piece of the hook didn't break off and kill the fish 3 days later?

Most juggers I have met and talked to use circle hooks. Which for the most part only hook the corner of the mouth, A rare blue moon if you get a hook set anywhere else. I really like the noodle Ideal, Might make a few of those up for my next trip. Here in kentucky you can have 50 jugs per boat, which that many are hard to keep up with. You have to have name and address on each jug. And I have gotten a ticket for a lost jug found on the side of the road that cost 30$'s. I don't know what the fine would be for leaving it in the water unattended but would think it would be high enough not to make that mistake again. I trired to take a picture but turned out all blurry, Have to set up tripod on bank next time and try again. Looks really cool all lite up though.
circle hooks, gatorade bottles or noodles, nylon twine and a role of reflective tape and we are on our way to a catfish fry. Somebody start mixin' up the hushpuppy batter please! I have never seen a catfish float that I lost and often if you loose one it is from not getting a good hook set. Here in GA you must have the jugs off the water at daybreak, can only leave them out overnight. Just another way of fishing guys, nothing more nothing less!
MassFisherman said:
perchin said:
I can see I've upset the hive... :roll:

I didn't think anymore needed to be said, but I see like dealing with women it will never end. In Michigan (where I live) its not Legal. The only experience I've had with jugging is removing them from my prop, and having to navigate around them. The people who do it here are breaking the law, and leave them unattended for days on end. Sorry if I don't see the sport in that....

ShadowWalker said:
Can you guarantee the fish you catch won't swallow the hook and die after you release it? 8)

nope...... but I know if I just released it then its obviously NOT HOOKED... :LOL2:

Yea but....How do you know that a small piece of the hook didn't break off and kill the fish 3 days later?

I am fairly certain that this is not going to happen. Generally, you use larger twine to fish this style. I will be willing to bet that you lose more hooks and endanger more fishing with traditional fishing!
Ole heather here has made juggin popular.



There are Jugs....then there are JUGS.......

It is also not legal in Wisconsin but if it were, I'd do it....I love catfish....good eating....

Back in the day (about 30 yrs ago) I used to fish with my father for perch off the piers on Lake Michigan...we used to used something like a long rubber band type material, tied to a brick or big rock...it had lots of hooks on it. throw it out, wait, bring it back in with more than a few perch.....

It is sad that we all live in the same great country, but living in different regions, good people can have such different views on a subject. I guees that is what makes us all individuals and part of what makes this country great is the ability to disagree and discuss the disagreements in any open public forum.

I also think having different laws in different states contibutes to the problem of not being understanding of someones way of doing things simply because it happens to be illegal in your state....I never will understand the concept of different laws in different states pertaining to the exact same subjects..one example would be concealed carry of a handgun...most states it is legal and taken for granted and in Wisconsin...illegal and considered dangerous (by some people)....

sorry for getting off topic....

Outdoorsman said:
different laws in different states contibutes to the problem of not being understanding of someones way of doing things simply because it happens to be illegal in your state....

simply illegal, is well............. ILLEGAL, regardless of personal beliefs.

I wish people around here who do it, would indeed put their name and address on them........ it would make it a lot easier to turn them in to the good ol' folks at the DNR. :wink:

Outdoorsman said:
I never will understand the concept of different laws in different states pertaining to the exact same subjects..one example would be concealed carry of a handgun...most states it is legal and taken for granted and in Wisconsin...illegal and considered dangerous (by some people)....

sorry for getting off topic....


I agree...... it would make the guy who is going to hi-jack your car maybe a little hesitant about pulling a gun on you knowing that you might be toting something bigger and badder than him... :lol:
brmurray said:
I will be willing to bet that you lose more hooks and endanger more fishing with traditional fishing!

:roll: ..... common sense goes a long ways............

Let's do some math..... one pole in the water per person....group of 2 (me and my wife). Fishing on the bank.....so, two hooks....k.
We go out like this for catfish maybe 3 or 4 times a year.............
On an average night, we might hook up on 3 or 4 keepers, with 4 or 5 released back, so at max 9 or 10 fish hooked.
Why would I lose more hooks??? We use 40lb. braid, and quality hooks...we like how they fight hard, and they are good eating. I honestly can't remember hooking one and NOT getting it back to the bank to either release or keep.

Jugging with 50 jugs floating all around..........bet your hooking more than my fixed position bank fishing, traditional methods...
perchin said:
brmurray said:
I will be willing to bet that you lose more hooks and endanger more fishing with traditional fishing!

:roll: ..... common sense goes a long ways............

Let's do some math..... one pole in the water per person....group of 2 (me and my wife). Fishing on the bank.....so, two hooks....k.
We go out like this for catfish maybe 3 or 4 times a year.............
On an average night, we might hook up on 3 or 4 keepers, with 4 or 5 released back, so at max 9 or 10 fish hooked.
Why would I lose more hooks??? We use 40lb. braid, and quality hooks...we like how they fight hard, and they are good eating. I honestly can't remember hooking one and NOT getting it back to the bank to either release or keep.

Jugging with 50 jugs floating all around..........bet your hooking more than my fixed position bank fishing, traditional methods...

since you quoted me I will respond. I have used this method all my life and have never lost a jug or a hook. By simply having one break off you have lost more than I have. My point is that folks have mada an assumption that this style of fishing has a negative impact on a species of fish, without the knowledge or experience of ever fishing in this manner. That is ok, I do not really care. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. My opinion is no more right or wrong then yours.

I can see where people have feelings one way or another. I have shark fished on a couple occasions, yet we always cut the line and the shark has a hook in its lip. Many folks do this and so be it, that is their business. This is the point that I am trying to make.
Outdoorsman said:
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Ok, everyone stated their opinion. Let's move on.

X2....I agree

Oh...by the way....Excellent job Jim..... =D>


:LOL2: ....x3.... thread layed peacefully dead for over a month...

brmurray said:
since you quoted me I will respond.

Kinda funny play on words there......considering your the one to re-awake this thread "QUOTING ME"
The rest of your response I'll just leave alone...fish on man, don't take it all so personal.

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