2009's last reports


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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2008
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Happy New Year Tinboats !
The North Winds are steady and relentless .. Neverending its seems ? Oh well its 2010 and time to start off fresh . I wish everyone a successful year for 2010 .. Tight Lines !

IRI 12-26 / 12-27-09
Sport and I hit IRI at about 10:30pm and found the front parking lot empty so we hit the rail first . WFAD (Jimmy) and his brother were out back and had been there since about 10pm without a bite . Sport and I tried for a few minutes without a bump and no signs of life so we headed out back and let Jimmy handle the front with his brother .. Peter (Jimmys brother) left shortly afterwards and Jimmy joined us out back .
We tried swimbaits without a bite and finally I put on a 1/4 ounce Bucktail and landed a fat 24" Striper .. Jimmy hooked up to one briefly that popped off at his feet .
Right Hook showed up a little later so Sport and I headed out front . We were joined awhile later by Eddie and Kwan (Kwan was passed out and didnt get up :p ) .. Then David (esquired) and Jake showed up as well as Coop and Inspector . We had a nice little DF gathering but no other fish caught and I doubt any other bites .
Everyone started to slowly leave as Sport and I also did around 5'ish AM .
The water was very high all night and got dirtier as it came in .
11 guys .. 9 DF'ers and only 1 fish ..

Looks like it will be a few days before it clears up with all the rain and melted snow and I think the high 60 degree temps hurt the fishing because of the run off it caused with all the melted snow .. Oh well it cant get no worse right ? :p

GREAT to see everyone .. Hopefully the fish will cooperate next time !

12-28-09 Silver & Garrisons Lake
Got home from IRI and went looking for some open water and some pullage .. Fount the Training area all ICE .. Moved to the bridge and found the water to be stained and moving like a river .. gave it a shot with 1 bite and no hookup .. I moved to the rocks near the Bar and sat for awhile catching mostly 4 to 6 inch Gills and a few 5 inch Crappie . I thought about trying the Spillway but below would have been moving and dirty and above is gonna need to clear up . When the water level drops to normal I think most of the Crappie will have relocated here for the winter
Anyhow I fished for about 2 hours and on the way home figured I see what Garrisons looked like .. I found the Spillway overflowing and the lake above it frozen .. not all of it but all I could cast to was ice . I decided not to take the walk as it didnt look productive in the tumble hole and way too muddy for the Ta-Ta Bar across the street ..
Winter is settling in !

12-29-2009 Panfish
Hit a honey hole of mine today and it started off with these ..

The Crappie stopped or should I say I was attacked by these guys ..

Then they stopped and these guys played :) ..


After about a dozen LMB I got back to Crappie ..

As the sun started to dip Mr Ned started to feed :) ..

Fished from noon till 4:45pm .. About a dozen LMB , Too many Gills , maybe 2 dozen Crappie and about 10 Neds .
Bait was 2" White Twisters and 2.5" Chart/Glitter Fin"S" under a casting bobber . Water clarity was about 6 inches and NO ICE :):) (Yet)

IRI 12-30 / 12-31-09
Sport and I hit the Inlet at about 11pm . The winds were very light but the temps were VERY chilly ... The tide was Low and almost slack and water clarity was good actually with about 12" visibility (Good for this year .. Its normally GIN clear at this time)
We hit the rail for about an hour without a tap but I did see some fish breaking but all went quiet at slack low tide so we headed out back .. The water was very dirty and got worse the longer we stayed . We tried Swimbaits and I even threw a Black Bomber without a tap .. It certainly wasnt looking good .
When the tide started to move we headed back to the rail and I was dead set on using the 6" PM as my hands were frozen and I didnt feel like retying and I have the most confidence in this lure for this year .
After about 45 minutes I finally get hit and when I went to set the hook I had LOTS of slack in my line .. the current was ripping (full moon) and the light winds left a BIG curve in my line .. I set the hook and couldnt tell if I had the fish or not so I reeled fast and felt a headshake so I set it again :)

I was relieved to get the skunk off :) I had just about given up too and was taken by surprised when I felt the "tug" :)
I rubbed it in a bit and Sport said he wasnt worried about that kind of thing but that all changed when he hooked up :);)
I let Sport have the who rail to try to kick the skunk .. He got NO love on the swimbaits and had decided to longline .. We both figured it was probably the best tactic for beating the skunk and we were right .. Sport was hooked up on the 2nd or 3rd cast ..

Not only that but he landed another a few seconds later .. Grrr ! I had left my flies in my truck so Sort was kind enough to let me have one of his a friend tied for him . I lost it a few casts later and went back to the PM .
So its 2 to 1 and it got deep when he landed #2 .. The pressure was ON .. LMAO !!
Sport decided to take a break and warm up but he knew I was on a mission :)
It took me about 20 minutes to land another fish and I made sure he saw it and he knew my Mission wasnt yet complete .. I HAD to get another ..
I got bit on the next cast and again a few casts later but neither came tight .. 10 minutes later I get one on and half way in .. I had a BIG grin only to be deflated when it spit the swimbait 25 feet from me ..
I was frozen solid and couldnt feel my feet .. I feared I might fall so I called it a night and went to get warm and a hot cup of Java :)
Sport it was a pleasure as always BUT its on the next time we go FW fishing but somehow I think you already know that .. LMAO :)
We left at about 5:30am . The rain/snow started at 3:30am and it got worse as the night went on .. The further North we went it got worse and worse .. Cops everywhere and accidents .. Roads were icy slush and by the time we got to Bowers the Traffic was at a stand still so we backtracked and had to go around .
As far as baitfish go .. I might have seen 3 Silversides but there were lots of Isopods and some other small clear fish that looked like a Shad Fry .. They were about 1.25" long and still clear ?? Not sure what they were . Anyhow it seems the Stripers are about gone as well as the baitfish .
Nice job Mr. Tom - it is time to chase the YELLOW NEDS

I expect a big report full of tiger striped fish!
Congrats on the catches!!
Cold weather stinks for sure, but glad to see your still getting bit!!
Thanks for the report!
