5 Things I Love About Fishing


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Well-known member
Mar 30, 2010
Reaction score
Southern Ontario
1. The gear;
2. The challenge;
3. The fish;
4. Time spent with friends and family;
5. Being outdoors (rain or shine).
6. No time limits.
If you have 10min to spare you can grab you rod and make a few casts....or you can stay out on the water all day and night.

Unlike other sports...like golf you need 4hrs min...

7. It is always better than working!
I have to say the thing I love about fishing the most is that when i'm out there, I think about nothing but fishing. No matter whats going on, I can turn my cell phone off, get out on the boat and just fish...plain and simple. Nothing more relaxing to me than that.
I have to say I really enjoy challenging myself. Challenging myself to find more fish, figure out what they're doing/why they're doing it, the best way to catch them and why.

But at the same time I really miss just recreational fishing. Seems like everytime I go out its for a tournament, or to prefish for a tournament. I've only went fillet fishing once this summer =P~
I'm with you, Bubba. No matter what else is going on I can put it on the back burner when I'm on the lake. And don't even think about calling me on my cell phone when I'm out there. It's off and it's staying off until the boat is back on the trailer.
I love telling my buddy to "get the net" over and over again while he finally decides to change to the lure I'm catching fish with. loooool
1. Being free on the open water.. like no one can touch you or your boat beside.. rangers...
2. Competition.. always trying to get better and if the fish are not biting then trying to find out why.. honing skills.. just trying to always get better and always trying to out fish my partners keeps me competitive! (bragging when I do)
3. Feeling a fish hit and knowing its a good one.. fighting that fish until hes on the boat!
4. Making your tackle box bigger and bigger (looking at your tackle imagining it hanging from a fishes mouth):p
5. Cruising back to a ramp after wearing them out all night when the sun is starting to set with cool air in the evening with a buddy talking about all the fish we caught and the ones that got away!
5 tings I love about fishing.

Great thread!!!!!!!

5. Being outdoors.
4. Spending time with family, friends, strangers, or by myself.
3. Looking for new spots to fish.
2. Fishing.
1. Talking to God