Anyone growing a garden this year?

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Nov 29, 2006
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Shrewsbury, MA
Wife did all the work, Im just watering now. We got a few different types of tomatoes, Peppers, Cucumbers, hot peppers and herbs. Already had a few cherry tomatoes, cucumbers and zucchinis.

Will post up some pictures tomorrow. I love fresh veggies! :beer:
Mine is a disgrace. Planted everything before we went on vacation and while we were gone the slugs ate all the seedlings for the corn, okra, beans, cucumbers and most of the carrots. Radishes didn't get enough water to bulb. The only thing worth anything are the tomatoes (4 plants). Moving the garden to a more sunny location next year. Right now it is in the shade of the neighbors maple tree.
I didn't have any luck either,the cut worms moved in,only have beets,squash and a few beans:(.Going to put the salt to the soil try to kill off the bugs.
I wouldn't use salt. To use enough to kill he bugs tt will throw off the ph of your soil so much nothing will grow.
I should of said eel grass,they put it on the gardens around here over the winter,along with a good supply of cow poop.
Good thing my fathers only about a mile down the road,I'm already eating his carrots and peas:).
Lack of time, lack of a good area to do it at the new place, and lack of ability to legally water it halted it this year. Hopefully we will get to next year....
I rent and the landlord does not want me to till the yard so this is my 5th year to grow tomatoes in 5 gallon buckets. I have 18 bucket plants this year. They do well but have to be watered daily because this Ark. heat dries them out so fast. I usually don't eat store bought(shipping) tomatoes because they have no flavor. Just red and wet.
phased said:
I rent and the landlord does not want me to till the yard so this is my 5th year to grow tomatoes in 5 gallon buckets. I have 18 bucket plants this year. They do well but have to be watered daily because this Ark. heat dries them out so fast. I usually don't eat store bought(shipping) tomatoes because they have no flavor. Just red and wet.

Awesome! :beer:
Forgot to mention, we do have tomatoes in rubbermaid tubs on the back porch. I think potted plants are exempt from water bans.... :D
I don't even know how many things are out in the garden. We have summer squash, zucchini, cucs, tomatoes (big & tiny), asparagus, carrots, beans, peppers (green & red) , strawberries finally stopped , raspberries (yellow, red & purple) and our blueberries WERE doing very well until the deer came and ate them all. Now the dog's house has moved out near the garden... he has to earn his keep somehow! What else.... gooseberries... and husk tomatoes. I think that is it. and corn lol My grandfather takes care of that area. Its his pride and joy. I cant even tell you how many times he has tilled it. I'll take a picture of it all soon.

Speaking of the white buckets... my Uncle cant get anything to grow in his yard so he decided to try the buckets this year. Everything is huge! It's funny to see them all but his veggies look awesome
We have a small one going with tomatoes (beefsteak & cherry), onions, jalapenos, hot cherry peppers, potatoes and some basil.
i grow a verry large one every year wide row style things were just getting to the eating stage but the heavey rains and wind along with the hail we got here last friday did a # on the garden this year i had a 70 foot foot maple come down on the garden as well thet got hit by lighting did a # on the corn and ( gore spelling ) potatoes
I miss my Texas garden. :cry:

I used to grow 60 feet of Okra, 80-100 feet of Onions, 15 Tomato plants, 8 - 12 Bell Pepper plants, 4 Jalapano plants, 2 Pequin bushes, 10 feet of trelised Cucumbers, 40 feet of Carrots, 10 feet of Radishes and 4 foot by 20 foot Dewberry patch in the middle of the back yard. Mother-in-Law used to make Dewberry cobler and my wife and I used to make our own picante sauce and give it away to family and friends in our dart league. Pickled the cukes and okra and dehyradrated lord only knows how much onion.

My garden was 25' x 35'. It was jam packed and very productive.