Don't mess with the big kid

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Well-known member
Nov 4, 2007
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Atco, NJ!5781702/the-ultimate-anti+bullying-psa-kid-fights-back-with-devastating-body-slam

don't bullies usually pick on a smaller kid :?:
I knew bullies of all sizes growing up. It is just like real life, jerks come in all sizes and they all stink.
Good stuff right there. There is not much in this world that a powerbomb to the concrete can't fix.
Little kid got what he deserved for sure......but the big kid should not have been punished for sure!
I'm sure the little kid is a bad a@# in the video games he plays, too bad it doesn't work that way in the real world. The big kid should not have been suspended for defending himself, if he was malicious he would have added a kick to the head. I'm sure the school would rather have him go through years of bullying and then have him come back with a gun and well you know. Another issue here is the cell phones and cameras in schools. Too many kids are more interested in making videos instead of getting an education. Ok off my soapbox.
It kind of reminds me of a time I saw a chihuahua pick a fight with a rottweiler. The little guy kept nipping at the rottweiler who, at first, ignored it. After a little while though the rottweiler had had enough and picked the chihuahua up in his mouth and shook him for a few seconds. That pretty much ended the chihuahua's aspirations of being king on the hill. As my daddy said, "Never pick a fight you can't win."
What's the old saying? It isn't the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog. Everyone has their limit and it looks like the big kid hit his. I'll bet the little guy finds someone else to pick on. I was always taught not to start a fight but anything goes when you have to finish one. I had a big kid in shop class that was always picking at me, one day I had enough and got him backed into a corner with a wooden mallet. I asked him if he wanted to have a new face. He claimed I went "crazy"...but he never screwed with me again and I never even had to hit him. 8)
Got what he deserved; when and if he lives to get old, everyday in cold weather when he takes a step he will remember that guy! :lol:
i saw the preview of this on a network t.v. promo, but all it showed was the big kid slamming the little punk. had to show the wife the link because she didnt believe me about the little kid starting it. too funny.