I can't catch a fish..........


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Nov 29, 2006
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Shrewsbury, MA
The thread about "your favorite" technique for catching fish got me thinking. :LOL2:

What is the absolute worst technique you have tried and loathe.

For me, I couldn't catch a dead fish on a lizard. No way no how. I have tried countless times but now I will not even keep lizards with me. I think they curse my fishing day. :LOL2:

Matter of fact I am going to gather all the crappy lizards I have at home and give them away. :mrgreen:
Noodling! I can't find those dang catfish and if I did, there's no way in hell that I'm going to stick my fist in its mouth to help it drown me. :LOL2:
Nah...just kidding.

Actually, now that you've mentioned it Jim...I don't think I've ever caught a fish on a lizard either. I haven them...and use them, but can't remember any success with them. They are usually one of the last plastics that I throw, so it already would have been a tough day. Nonetheless....no luck.
Jim... as bad as I hate to say it in public - try the 4" Big Bite Bait disc lizards in Green Pumpkin (https://www.bigbitebaits.com/disclizard4.htm) ... I have been all over GA, SC, NC and even into Virginia (that's as far north as I want to go) and have done well with them. I only fish lizards in the months of mid-March to June. If you can get them around rocks, you should be able to kill them.

I throw them with a red 1/8-1/4oz Tru Tungsten bullet weight unpegged... these also are killer in the hotter months off of ledges with a carolina rig.

I hate throwing spinnerbaits... I can catch them on them if I have to, but I absolutely HATE throwing them with a passion. Actually, the only time I throw them is when I'm in a tourney and all of my other baits have failed.
Oddly enough, Especially me being from MI, my least successful bait is a Tube.

With the exception of dock fishing, I have zero luck with them. I do well around docks with them, but I don't think that's because of the tube so much as the tube skips well so it can get up under docks.

Open water fishing I have no luck with tubes.

I intend to change that though.....Once I get the boat done, and buy a new Musky rod, my next purchase is going to be a rod just for tube fishing.
I have tried things I don't care for and still catch a fish like Drop shotting but, for the life of me I can't nor have I ever ever ever caught a fish with diving crank baits #-o

square bill, round bill< uh octagonny bill or what ever bill, never touched a fish with them :oops:
Jigging a spoon sits at the top of my list as the most detested form of fishing. I've tried several times over the years and just can't get into it. I can just imagine the fish are sitting down there thinking, "does he seriously think we're going to bite that?"

Now that I think about it, I've never caught a fish on a lizard either.
Drop shotting for me has been terrible.Never even had a fish think about touching it.Now with lizards i can tear them up,green pumpkin and watermelon candy are my favorites,i also only fish them from march to june or july.
For me it is trolling. While I have caught some fish doing it..I hate doing many kinds/styles of it.

I went out for salmon on Lake Michigan a few years ago. Big boat, four rods out, on downriggers. Fish hits; boat's mate hands me the rod to reel the fish in. They keep the boat moving forward at trolling speed...( so as not to tie up the other lines)... I drag fish in, behind the moving boat.

And for this "fishing" I paid a couple of hundred dollars??? Didn't even matter how big the fish was...

Bah Humbug...that just isn't my kind of fishing. regards, Rich
I have a few I cannot catch a fish on or even had a bite:

1) Dropshot


3)Crankbait in a lake (catch all kinds in a river on a crank)

I can't say that I've not caught fish on any of the techniques already mentioned, but I loathe throwing big crankbaits on ledges in the middle of the summer.

It's hot and like trying to reel in a fighting bowling ball on every cast. It turns into a serious amount of work in a hurry.

Very productive, but my least favorite.
Quackrstackr said:
It's hot and like trying to reel in a fighting bowling ball on every cast. It turns into a serious amount of work in a hurry.

Get a Duckett Deep Cranking Rod (7'6")... holy moly the difference it makes when throwing Deep Divers. It has saved my body from aching the next day. I throw Strike King 6XDs and Norman DD22s on it with no problem.
I do not enjoy slow dragging football head jigs for smallies in the winter. Yes it catches fish but it is so boring to me.
russ010 said:
I hate throwing spinnerbaits... I can catch them on them if I have to, but I absolutely HATE throwing them with a passion. Actually, the only time I throw them is when I'm in a tourney and all of my other baits have failed.

I hate spinnerbaits as well - BORING! Plus, i do not like that you have to constantly move them.

That being said, I have caught some quality fish with them
:lol: :lol: You guys are killing me.

I love trolling. Really I think I just like putting around in a boat.
If I throw a line in the water people won't ask why so slow.

I have never caught anything on a lizard but my 4 year old son loves the way they swim when he reals them in.
On a slow day he just fishes for plastic lizards.
If you start throwing a plastic lizard into flooded brush on KY Lake in April, you had better hang on. :lol:
Jim said:
For me, I couldn't catch a dead fish on a lizard. No way no how.

I seam to have pinpointed your problem here Jim. You need to be targeting waters with live fish when using lizards. Hand grabbing/netting are the most effective strategies when dealing with dead fish! Plastics work best on live fish :D :D

Me, I hate throwing anything with treble hooks, more trebles equal more troubles for me. Although 95% of the time I do catch something. Myself, my backpack, other anglers, snags.......

But even when I do make a good cast the darn trebles usually get caught in my own line anyway causing the lure to helicopter on the surface. Which usually causes me to just cut n tie on a skip gap with my ole trusty plastics attached

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