venting about wedding crap

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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2011
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ok guys sorry to do this to ya but here it goes, im just a lil frustrated with alot of people right now that have yet to respond to the invites my fiance sent out, one of them being my so called best friend im gonna give you a lil history on our friendship, we have been friends for some 20 yrs now since grade school, i practically live at his house in the summer, we would do everythig together, most of the time we would leave his house and be gone as 13 yrs old all weekend leaving with only our fishing poles, pocket knives, some salt and a few other items and survive all weekend, we basicaly knew what the other was gonna do before it was done, not just friends but more like brothers, but not a brother your where stuck with one you chose. he and i have had to deal with some nasty life stuff, passing of alot of family and i thought we grew closer. as time has gone by we never talk, i seen him and his family last christmas, that was the last time we spoke, when im around he acts like nothing is wrong and its like old times, im not sure if its his wife that i have done something to, or what i guess what im getting at when do you drop the best freind status? im not realy willing to toss away a 20 yr friendship, but i have a feeling that it will not be good the next time i see him, so where this started at is i have yet to hear if he is gonna be at my wedding,feel if i call it will surely be a no, his mother rsvp'd 3 days after it was sent, sorry for the rant just had to get it out... i need a beer :?
Okay, I'm going to ask. Does your friend and his wife live with his mother? You had mentioned that his mother responded rather quickly so maybe it was implied that response was for him too, maybe?

I don't envy you in your predicament. Good luck.
Life moves on, when you raise your own family your childhood relationships become secondary to your family relationships. I have friends that I will do what ever needs done for at the drop of a bucket but we might only talk in passing once or twice a year. I'm not a social animal, that's the wifes job so she keeps me updated on every's social status.

I honestly wouldn't sweat it too much. If anything I think you should call him and talk to him if he's going to be part of the wedding, but and invite sounds like he's not part of the ceremony.

hes not part of the ceremony at all because we havent talked, just sometimes i feel im a better friend to my buddys then they are to me, just a lil frustration :D all better now, trying not to sweat it much but thanks guys
Call him and ask what is up - talk to him before you ditch the friendship - good friends are tough to find
Sounded like you just did my life story. Me and my best friend were stuck to the hip 365 days per year for years. My mother called him "my adopted son". Then I got a girlfriend.......then married. We did not speak for 2 years........ Life just moves on, different priorities. We finally crossed paths one day and we both said we regretted not speaking for so long. Now I see him once or twice per month and once a year we have a "guys fishing/hunting trip". I bet he is having a hard time dealing with you "growing up". It will come first circle, Call him Like Ahab says.
well im glad im not the only one, guess ill try and call him, but thats the way it always goes with the whole situation, i always make the effort, but thanks guys i realy apprecieate it :D
My 2 cents from a perspective a bit down the road of life (married @35, kids grown and out or in college, divorced and having lost more than my share of old friends to the grim reaper over the years) I agree with Jim and Ahab. Good friends are hard to come by in this life and are usually worth the effort to keep.

I say "usually" because nothing in life is as certain as change. Sometimes two people simply grow apart to a point where they don't share much in common any longer. I've found that when and if that happens, you will know it and move on with your life and they with theirs. But until you get that "feeling" the relationship is worth whatever you have to give to it, as long as it's not one sided giving.
Don't feel like the Lone Ranger.

I had a very good friendship with several guys growing up. After leaving home for the military, I tried contacting them off and on but never had any responses. To this day I have never heard from them and that was over 40 years ago!

Made a bunch of new friends since then!
Captain Ahab said:
Call him and ask what is up - talk to him before you ditch the friendship - good friends are tough to find


Most of us have been in the same place. I know I have, and still am. Sometimes even with my blood brothers.

If you want me to call him, I will....but that might be a little weird. :LOL2:
The finace and I decided that we aren't going to deal with any of this type of stuff. We are going out of the country and getting married barefoot on the beach. We are both people pleasers so we just decided to not please anyone but ourselves. I think the only one upset is my mom. I'm the baby, nothing else needs to be said about that. :D

My advice goes with most everyone else. Call him, you won't regret it.
BOB350RX said:
hes not part of the ceremony at all

if my bestfriend was getting married and i don't get a part in the ceremony, i might feel a little sad. ok, well maybe not me, but your friend could be.

ask him and tell us how it goes.
well i have made several attempts to call, with no return, yesterday was the last, this isnt just a since the wedding problem, if i had to guess it has gotten to be worse over the past year and a half, i was his best man in the wedding but i feel that it was more of a forced issue by his family which, i wouldnt of care either way honestly, im not much of an attention seeker, dont like the lime light for sure, i dont know, i have pretty much moved on from this, and have new friends that i hang with most of the time... but i guess it is what it is... no worries :D

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