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    • monzster
      monzster reacted to LDUBS's post in the thread Boating Etiquette with Like Like.
      Once I was coming in right after the trout truck dumped a few hundred pounds of rainbows at the ramp. It was a keystone cops circus...
    • monzster
      monzster replied to the thread Boating Etiquette.
      Thats the other thing I dont get is fishing from the boat ramp. EVERY ramp I have ever been to has a sign up saying not to do it but...
    • monzster
      monzster reacted to CRS's post in the thread Boating Etiquette with Like Like.
      Common courtesy and sense should be the only rules necessary. Unfortunately there are far too many that practice neither. Kayakers...
    • monzster
      monzster reacted to Lost But Happy's post in the thread Boating Etiquette with Like Like.
      Common sense aint so common anymore
    • monzster
      monzster reacted to LDUBS's post in the thread Boating Etiquette with Like Like.
      I understand what you are saying. My concern is if the gov't gets involved in saying what kind of boat wake is allowed, we will all be...
    • monzster
      monzster reacted to Crazyboat's post in the thread Boating Etiquette with Like Like.
      Sad isn't it.
    • monzster
      monzster reacted to OldSailor85's post in the thread Boating Etiquette with Like Like.
      We'll all be running electric motors with satellite control. The government will "turn on" your motor on approved fishing days. Speed...
    • monzster
      monzster reacted to airshot's post in the thread Boating Etiquette with Like Like.
      This is a lot of common sense...wonder how many new boaters will understand this ?? Lol...
    • monzster
      monzster reacted to Billy H's post in the thread Boating Etiquette with Wow Wow.
      I’m not too far from the lake I come in off ridge rd ,three mile is first launch I come to so I use it a lot. Couple weeks ago a women...
    • monzster
      monzster reacted to EricMN's post in the thread Boating Etiquette with Like Like.
      In my area, WI, MN, it’s hard to believe they allow wake ski boats. In addition to throwing a huge wake affecting surrounding boats, the...
    • monzster
      monzster reacted to ChuckB's post in the thread Boating Etiquette with Like Like.
      It would be nice if kids with a kayak fishing in a boat dock area be aware that they need to move out of the way of boat trying to dock.
    • monzster
      monzster reacted to wis bang's post in the thread Boating Etiquette with Like Like.
      I've launched at three mile a few times too, switched to Hancock when PENDOT repaired a bridge on Rt. 313. Once I get to Doylestown; the...
    • monzster
      monzster replied to the thread Boating Etiquette.
      That handicap ramp is cool. Nice that they have something like that. Yeah, I dont want to sound like all of them are a pain. I have...
    • monzster
      monzster reacted to Billy H's post in the thread Boating Etiquette with Like Like.
      That’s a shame. The lake I mentioned is pretty big and there are four boat ramps in different areas. The ramp I use is a single but you...
    • monzster
      monzster reacted to wis bang's post in the thread Boating Etiquette with Like Like.
      I use Haycock ramp a lot which just happens to be the one closest to the one off-lake rental and they even have racks to hold the yacks...
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