1980 35hp Evinrude Motor Mods?


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mjw210 said:
Wow am I ever sun burned lol! We got about another 2.5 hours on the water today before our babysitters had stuff to do. I was playing around to see how slow I could troll using the motor and it could go as slow as 1.3mph which is way better than before since it had to be at 2.5mph to stay running. I took pictures of the wake and uploaded them to my photobucket. I took the hood off afterwards to inspect the powerhead and it looked good. No discoloration on the paint or anything. The only thing I would be concerned about is I think I have it too rich since there was some fuel drops on the black intake box. So I would assume it's from the carb somewhere but, I didn't pull that box off or lean it up yet.

I had to install a new strap winch today since my strap started to tear in a spot. Old winch was 750lb style and the new one is 1500lb! Yeah this one will work much better. I also replace the hook/latch on the safety chain to attach from the trailer to the keel loop.

1/4 Throttle: https://i1261.photobucket.com/albums/ii585/mjw210/2012-09-01113200.jpg
1/2 Throttle: https://i1261.photobucket.com/albums/ii585/mjw210/2012-08-31154648.jpg
3/4 Throttle: https://i1261.photobucket.com/albums/ii585/mjw210/2012-09-01113212.jpg

Now I think my transducer was causing some splashing of its own so I'm not sure if I change the angle of that if it will screw up my readings for the humming bird 797. I might need to adjust it since it was making splashes of its own while going fast. https://i1261.photobucket.com/albums/ii585/mjw210/2012-08-18133450.jpg

your ducer angle looks bad to me, you want it level with your hull so the water thats displaced from the hull just skims the bottom of the transducer. it will not affect your 797 readings but i would think it would improve them...
Sorry for the delay guys just so much stuff going on. I have 1 hour of break in left on the motor. I haven't been out this year with the boat yet. Just been crappy weather and my work is doing mandatory Sundays again.

However I'm finishing off the Motor cover right now. I have still be been taking pics along the way. I have no idea how the cover had so many little gouges/scratches. I removed the old decals with a heat gun carefully and was left with a bunch of adhesive on the cover still. I tried some of Goo Gone's Pro Series in a can from Walmart. That stuff works really well!!! I got a paper towel wet with the stuff and laid it on the adhesive for about a minute. And the adhesive came right off without issues. It didn't wreck any of the paint just for your reference. I could careless since I'm using body filler to smooth everything out and repainting the cover using OEM pain and replica decals. As of right now I have the Motor Cover seal removed and the two emblem plaques on each end of the cover. That will make it easier to paint. I have my first and probably only coat of body filler I will need. I'm going to be using a Filler Primer and then wet sand afterwards.

I do have a couple of questions maybe you can help me with. The white motor cover seal is really dirty and not the pretty white it used to be. The replacement seal on every site I have checked is black. Is there any good way of cleaning the white seal? (My Dad said to try bleach and water and leave it soak.) I wasn't sure if that would have adverse effects on the rubber or not. Oh and how the heck will I be able to staple it back on? :D I also removed the foam that was inside the cover since it was in bad shape. I can find the new foam but I was thinking about either not replacing it or using dyna mat that I have left over in my garage. I figure the foam is for sound dampening. I know the dyna mat will work better and won't break down and clog up my carb down the road. What are your thoughts on this? This is one of the only things that I can think of that isn't OEM but might be a better upgrade.

Thanks again guys,

I also have a Go Pro and will use that on the water for better videos.
I added the photos I've been taking for the motor cover. Also there's photos of the stereo that I installed (My B-day present from my wife) I need to install two more speakers up front. It sounds nice with just two but 4 will be better. The sweet thing is I can link my Iphone to the Head Unit and play mp3s or Pandora radio.

Here's the link to my image shack album.
Made another order for parts. I ordered the plastic plaques for the front and rear of the motor cover, foam liner for inside, and couple fuel pump gaskets with replacement screws. I want to have some spare parts on hand. And if I choose to add the foam in I will have it. It was only $8 so not too bad if I don't use it.
I had some heavy duty engine degreaser. And I let it work and washed it. The actual engine I took everything that would go in the parts washers and let them soak. It was a lot of work because all of the pieces and keeping them organized.
Well I finally sanded the cover with 220 and a pneumatic palm sander. I had to hand sand all of the corners/edges. I forgot to take pics of it before I primed it with a few coats of filler primer. Should be a light sanding and them time to paint it with Evinrude paint! I added sanded/primed pics to my image shack album.
<div style="width:480px;text-align:right;"><embed width="480" height="360" src="https://pic2.pbsrc.com/flash/rss_slideshow.swf" flashvars="rssFeed=https%3A%2F%2Ffeed1261.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fii585%2Fmjw210%2Ffeed.rss" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" /><a href="javascript:void(0);" target="_blank"><img src="https://pic.photobucket.com/share/icons/embed/btn_geturs.gif" style="border:none;" /></a><a href="https://s1261.photobucket.com/user/mjw210/library/" target="_blank"><img src="https://pic.photobucket.com/share/icons/embed/btn_viewall.gif" style="border:none;" alt="mjw210's album on Photobucket" /></a></div>
[url=https://www.tinboats.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=320900#p320900 said:
mjw210 » Today, 3:55 am[/url]"]Well I finally sanded the cover with 220 and a pneumatic palm sander. I had to hand sand all of the corners/edges. I forgot to take pics of it before I primed it with a few coats of filler primer. Should be a light sanding and them time to paint it with Evinrude paint! I added sanded/primed pics to my image shack album.

Mike, that finish looks very smooth. Good job!. =D>
Thanks! Do you know what in doing wrong posting the link for my album? I'm using the link provided on the right on photobucket?

It was really easy to spray partly due to prep work and the primer just stuck on. With the can I used it could be sprayed at any angle which helped.

I will be getting a foam sanding block to use for the rest of the sanding purposes.
[url=https://www.tinboats.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=320945#p320945 said:
mjw210 » 36 minutes ago[/url]"]Thanks! Do you know what in doing wrong posting the link for my album? I'm using the link provided on the right on photobucket?

It was really easy to spray partly due to prep work and the primer just stuck on. With the can I used it could be sprayed at any angle which helped.

I will be getting a foam sanding block to use for the rest of the sanding purposes.

Mike, you can post the link for "Email & IM"...
Ahh I was using the HTML link. Well I found my paint and I will hopefully get the primer sanded and then spray everything white tonight. And then in a couple days of waiting I will tape it off and spray the blue.

I just added the link to my signature so I won't have to post it anymore :D
Well I wet sanded the primer with 600 grit. Cleaned all the residue off and cleaned again. Then cleaned again with a tack cloth. I sprayed it all gloss white. 5 light coats with a lot of patience.
Well guys the finish line is in sight! I prepped, masked, and sprayed the blue color on the top. I sprayed 5 light coats. I also sanded and sprayed primer on the handle. I kept forgetting the little tilt handle. So I'm recording how many coats of blue so I can spray the same amount :). I still need to spray a clear coat. It's not perfect but I'm very pleased with it. For being an average guy I'm happy with this rebuild/restoration.
I painted the tilt handle on Tuesday. And I clear coated the handle and cover last night. I'll put up new pics ASAP. Any idea how long I should wait to put the decals on?
Ugh... For some reason the clear coat on the white paint is a yellowish color... I'm hoping it just needs time to clear up because this just might make me cry if I have to start over on this. It was new clear coat too. It's hard to see in the pics I took but its yellowish. Just hoping it clears up with some time.
[url=https://www.tinboats.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=322045#p322045 said:
mjw210 » Today, 2:49 am[/url]"]Ugh... For some reason the clear coat on the white paint is a yellowish color... I'm hoping it just needs time to clear up because this just might make me cry if I have to start over on this. It was new clear coat too. It's hard to see in the pics I took but its yellowish. Just hoping it clears up with some time.

Yea, I can't see it. Hopefully its not as bad as you think.
When I painted my motor the same thing happened and I was really worried. Do not worry......it will lighten up and after awhile you will not even be able to tell it has a yellow tint. Here is a pic of mine after it fully cured and dried. Also un-natural light will make it look even worse than it is. Take it out in the sun. If you zoom in on the photo you can actually see I haven't cleared the hood yet.....just everything below it. Very hard to tell the difference. DSCN6409.JPG

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