'67 14' Alumacraft Shallow V and Trailer remodel.


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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2009
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Central Illinois
Hello All,

It's about time for me to begin phase two.
First a little back ground.

January 1st, 2008 I bought a 14' Alumacraft from my wifes uncle for $150. It came on a trailer vintage 1950's and pretty beat up. Buddy had a trailer a friend of his dumped because he broke a spring while on the highway which tossed his boat into the ditch and did some damage to the trailer. We loaded the boat trailer up onto a flat bed trailer and drug it to my house.

Phase 1
Building a boat trailer from junk!







First thing I had to do was develope a plan.

Axle shot, frame bent, rusty, no lights, bunks shot. Hmmmmmm!

The plan was to whack up the tongue off the old trailer and use that for the tongue on this new trailer. I wanted the transom to sit on the bunk and that meant lengthening the trailer tongue. Meant giving up the folding trailer feature, but oh well.

I took the tongue off the rebuildable trailer and used it for my axle. Sorry no pics of that process. I has to make some shims so the spindles would fit in goodentight. Then drilled a 5/16" hole trough the new axle and spindle and installed a bolt with lock washer and red loctite. Had to use a 5 pound sledge to beat the spindles into teh axle. She isn't coming apart.

I stripped everything off the rebuildable trailer, sanded every square inch to clean metal or solid paint, straightened the frame and spring hangers, and started painting. First 2 coats of rustoleum sealer, and the last 3 coats with rustoleum black metal flake paint. I must have used 10 cans of spray paint.



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Phase one Complete.






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Couple of shots at the lake right after I got off the water. Boat doesn't leak. Trailer works great. Trolling motor and fishfinder are awesome. Plus with that 18hp she get up on plane.

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I caught a few. :mrgreen:

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Alright. 1 year later and it's time for Phase Two.

I know the trailer works and the boat doesn't leak. Plus I can catch a few dinks in it. :mrgreen:

Ebay has been my friend the past couple of months.
I have collected a lot of parts.

The only pic I have for this post is my plan.

I left the dimension line so you could get an idea.
I will be removing all bench seats, most are dry rotted anyway.
I will be using the bench supports which are riveted to teh sides as supports for my decking. I left the supports in the picture and they have dimension line next to them on the starboard side of the boat.

This year I anticipate having about 130 pounds of dogs with me and maybe my son or wife.
It may take me a month or so to get the work done. I work full time, will be driving up to my brothers to frame up his basement on the weekends. That leave weeknights to work on the boat.

14' Alumacraft Plan.jpg

Tell me if there is anything in particular you want detailed pics or information about. I'll do my best to get that into the thread. Give my plan a going over and ask questions. Now is the time to fix any oversights. I hate doing rework!
Couldn't reall read the "plans" but looks well thought out.
One question,you had a 7.5 then someone gave you a 10hp...Where did the 18hp come from.
Boat looks nice.
Zum said:
Couldn't reall read the "plans" but looks well thought out.
One question,you had a 7.5 then someone gave you a 10hp...Where did the 18hp come from.
Boat looks nice.

Original 7.5 HP + New 10hp = 17.5HP Rounded up is 18HP.


Just kidding!!

@ Hanr3
Could you re-post your plan, it is too small for these old eyes to make out everything!

Oh I can't wait to see what you are going to do with this boat. This is same year and same make as my boat that I am doing. See link below. I also have a Johnson Sea Horse motor, mine is a 18 horse. Let me know what you think, and I will be keeping a close eye on this project, maybe we can trade pointers on what we have done. Looks good so far. =D>

Zum said:
Couldn't reall read the "plans" but looks well thought out.
One question,you had a 7.5 then someone gave you a 10hp...Where did the 18hp come from.
Boat looks nice.


:-# You didn't hear this from me. However said Uncle fished on lakes that had a hp restriction. He changed the cover from the 18hp to a 10hp cover. I did the research and it is in fact a 18hp motor. Model FD-11.

As for the plan. I managed to convert it to a sie that should be reaable. It wasa a round about way since I couldn't get Visio to enlarge the image like I wanted.
14' Alumacraft Plana.jpg

Color coding since the pic still isn't big enough to read it.
Orange=Battery (one battery compartment on port side of bow seat, optional battery / storage compartment on starboard side of bow seat.

Gray= Anchor compartments.
Green= Storage
Long dark green= pole storage.
Red= gas tank
Blue= lights, and a switch next to each light.
I also have a master switch panel on the port side with fuses.
there will be one accesory plug and one trolling motor plug on the bow and port side next to the master switch panel.

Right now my biggest delima is the 5' span on each side of the open floor on the back half of the boat. I plan to leave the space under the little 6"-7" wide deck to hang my poles. That means no verticle upright half way down on the outside edge (towards the open floor). I dont want work the poles around a post in the middle of the opening if you understand what I mean. Looking for suggestions.
Big Buck said:
Oh I can't wait to see what you are going to do with this boat. This is same year and same make as my boat that I am doing. See link below. I also have a Johnson Sea Horse motor, mine is a 18 horse. Let me know what you think, and I will be keeping a close eye on this project, maybe we can trade pointers on what we have done. Looks good so far. =D>


Big Buck,
I have been watching your build as well. your looks great as well. I'd be glad to trade pointers. I am open to any and all suggestions. Up until now I only worked on trucks/cars, mostly my own junk.
Time for a quick update.

I redesigned the interior layout. I wasn't too keen on a raised deck on a small boat. So this is the new plan.

14' Alumacraft Planb.jpg

PDF version below.

I also ebay'd some interior lights. I bought 30' of rope LED lights. I tested them out in the garage tonight, they should work well enough. Teh bulbs are spaced every 2". The plan is to run the lights under the lip of the raised rail around the interior of the boat.


  • 14' Alumacraft Planb.pdf
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  • 14' Alumacraft Planb.pdf
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Quick gear list of the gear I bought over the winter for this upgrade. No particular order.

13" pedistal base for the rear seat.
4 gang vertical fused/switch panel- nav lights, cabin lights, accessory outlets.
750 gph livewell pump.
rod rack
marker bouy holder
nav light (bow)
All around light and base (stern)
transom saver
Crappie EZ checker
electric fillet knife
Livewell plumbing kit-airerator, drain, overflow, thru hull, plug, elbows, tee, etc.
Spare nav and all around light bulbs
30' rope LED lights 2" spacing, commercial grade
Coleman cooler- 48 or 52 qrt.
2-15 pound Navy anchors rubber coated with 100' line
and a couple sheets of plywood.

List of things left to buy.
pedistal base for front seat
livewell timer
boat carpet and glue
night fishing light

Heading up to Chi-Town this weekend to start framing up my brothers walk out basement. I plan to swing by Bass Pro Shop on the way out of town to pick up the livewell timer, carpet and glue kit. I might get the pedistal base too, depends on what kind of deals I can get.
Then i's just a matter of making room in the garage to begin.

I cant wait, I have been planning this mod for since I bought the boat.
I'm stoked.
I love your layout, its similar (not exact) to the hydrilla gorilla idea. I am curious though, with your setup as is, how well will you be able to pilot the boat? seems like 2ft away from the stern is a little of a reach, am I seeing it wrong? Also, along the same lines, how will you be able to use the TM?

One other thing, I'd move the livewell further back or towards the middle of the two seats, that's a lot of weight when its full, and surely it'd affect your planing. Also, if you centered it, you could put a vinyl top on it, and it would function as more seating and the weight distribution would be better for riding as well.
baptistpreach said:
I love your layout, its similar (not exact) to the hydrilla gorilla idea. I am curious though, with your setup as is, how well will you be able to pilot the boat? seems like 2ft away from the stern is a little of a reach, am I seeing it wrong? Also, along the same lines, how will you be able to use the TM?

One other thing, I'd move the livewell further back or towards the middle of the two seats, that's a lot of weight when its full, and surely it'd affect your planing. Also, if you centered it, you could put a vinyl top on it, and it would function as more seating and the weight distribution would be better for riding as well.

Thanks for the kudos. I'll have to google that hydrilla idea.
The rear seat will be about 6" further away than the original position. So it shouldn't be a problem. Plus on the current set-up I couldn't straddle the rear bench which made piloting uncomfortable. As for the trolling motor it's the MK Endura with the extendable handle. The handle pulls out about a 1' or so.

My current plan is to put cutting board material on the cooler, although a 3rd seat is a good idea. I'll have to play around with teh dimensions. My main concern is space between the livewell and sides. Teh boat is only 4' wide and the livewell is 16", leaves about 32" /2=16" on each side.

I am hoping putting the livewell more towards the front will help me get on plane faster. Right now with my big butt, the motor, tm, battery, and gas tank all in the back end it takes a long time to get on plane.

I managed to make room in the garage on Saturday. Took me all day, but I got the boat in there and have some wiggle room on each side to work.

Sunday I ripped out all the wood and started to mock up my floor supports.
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Alright this is where I am right now. Down to bare aluminum. No wood left in the boat.
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I do have new stainless steel hardware, and picked up the last of the lumber I need for the floor. I still need to get something for the transom, and that quest is continuing. I started to layout my floor supports and should have something to so you all within the next day or two. I plan to have the wood work roughed in by this weekend. Its supposed to be nice enough out to polyurathane all the wood on both sides. Then I can mount it in place.
3/5/09 update.
I tried to cut out the transom Tuesday night, however my 15 yearo old Craftsman jig saw gave up the ghost. Bought a new one last night.
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Tonight I got back to work on the transom. She is all cut, shaped, and sanded to size.
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