I did the hard part, removed the old races and replaced with new ones, My bro-in -law is in the process of getting new tires on the rims, he had some problems doing it by hand so he is taking them to a freind who has a tire machine. I feel the races were the hardest part of the bearing replacement, so I am home free right noqw, Monday is my surgery, I have been off my Humria for 2 weeks now and my hands are swollen, I have RA since 1980. So thanks for asking about the bearing job, if it was not for this forum I would of not done it right, along with videos on the net. Its the first time I did such a job and so far it went well, One side of the axle looks like its got hot and it is marked but not pitted. I want to clean them up with fine steel wool. I have been laying in bed for most of the day and yes its depressing but this has been my life. VA takes good care of me, but I am not having the VA do my knee, I am getting that done with a specialist on the outside, I just feel the VA here is not good enough to operate on me. I will keep in touch, some time I will tell you my whole story, but Vietnam really put the hurt on me but I still move forward and do the best I can, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Pete