Cleaning unfinished aluminum?

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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2010
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Grand Island, NE
What do you guys do to clean up unfinished aluminum? I'd like to clean up the bottom of my new Lund. It looks like it sat in a lake for a while in its past. What about something like CLR? Then, once it's cleaned up, buffing it? I really have no idea, just thinking out loud. I've got lots of questions, and I'll be sure to post pics in my build thread as I get going. It's just got to stop raining here sometime first.
Not really sure what you are trying to do. when I was doing the hull repairs to mine, I would use simple green and a stiff nylon brush to scrub the imbedded dirt. it seemed to be clean if that is what you are asking.
I've read about some stuff called Sharkhide, but I've never used it myself. Looks pretty cool on their website.
years ago I helped my dad clean the pontoons of boat that had sat in a lake most of its life and we used a product called alumabrite.. made them look like new, but I also remember it being some pretty harsh stuff. And after looking at the msds I see why as it contains hydrofluoric and sulphuric acids. Despite that, this would be what I would use again and I have read online you can buy it at napa.
Blunt is right. We have a guy that does our power washing at work to come out and acid wash some of our aluminum trailers with that stuff after we repair them. Now they even make a product that you can spray on aluminum after it is cleaned really good and it will make it really easy to clean with a hose. Can't remember the name of it but they use it on car rims. We have had a customer or two have thier whole trailer done.
This is what I'm talking about removing/cleaning up. I found Aluma-brite for sale on Amazon. Also found this stuff - I'm so new to all of this stuff, I have no idea what I should be looking for. You guys think either of these could be good choices?


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I don`t know if you can get ahold of it( professional product) but a product called Zep-a-lum made by Zep chemical co. works great. It will brighten alum but is pretty harsh and burns your skin if you don`t dilute it with water. Its pretty stong and will turn your hull white if not cut with water. Its what i used on my boat after it sat upside down in my brothers field for 25yrs and then i polished it out, now it looks like chrome!
ultra353 said:
I don`t know if you can get ahold of it( professional product) but a product called Zep-a-lum made by Zep chemical co. works great. It will brighten alum but is pretty harsh and burns your skin if you don`t dilute it with water. Its pretty stong and will turn your hull white if not cut with water. Its what i used on my boat after it sat upside down in my brothers field for 25yrs and then i polished it out, now it looks like chrome!


Got any pictures? Sounds like the good stuff!
Okay, I'm sold on the Sharkhide for a polish/protectant, but have any of you used their cleaner? Or, how about that stuff from iboats that I linked? Or, do I go with a more physical tool, rather than chemical? Possibly a wire brush?