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Jun 19, 2013
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Hi, I have a 14' aluminum boat with some leaky seams and rivets. I am planning on using Coat-it just on the seams and rivets on the bottom of the hull. It comes in 2lb or 8lb kits. I am thinking on getting the 8lb kit so I don't come up short. Or would the 2 lb kit be enough?
Thanks for any help
What's the price difference between the 2? I would guess that you could easily use 1-2 quarts if you want to cover every seam and rivet that comes in contact with water. I think a gallon might be a little excessive, but it comes down to the price also. I used a quart of gluv-it on my 16' Riveted Lund to cover the rivets and seams that were below the water line and I could have definitely used more.
[url= said:
FerrisBueller » 09 Jul 2013, 12:46[/url]"]What's the price difference between the 2? I would guess that you could easily use 1-2 quarts if you want to cover every seam and rivet that comes in contact with water. I think a gallon might be a little excessive, but it comes down to the price also. I used a quart of gluv-it on my 16' Riveted Lund to cover the rivets and seams that were below the water line and I could have definitely used more.

Amazon has the 2 lb kit for $26, or the 8lb for $55. the 8lb is backordered. It just gives the weight, doesn't say how many quarts it is.
It's usually 2lb for a Quart and 8lb for a Gallon. Obviously the 8lb size is a better value. How many rivets/seams are you thinking you will need/want to cover?

And how long is the wait for the backorder? You could always try the 2lb and see how far that takes you. If you end up running out, then you know how far a 2lb kit takes you, and as long as you get 1/2 of what you need covered then you can get another 2 lb kit and still be where you were for pricing at the 8lb price. It's no use having leftovers anyways, because it needs to be used right away when you mix it.

Just my 2 cents though
[url= said:
FerrisBueller » 09 Jul 2013, 13:25[/url]"] How many rivets/seams are you thinking you will need/want to cover?

I plan on hitting all the rivets ans seams. It is a old sea king that had water seeping in in a few places. It is 2- 5 weeks for the 8lb kit at amazon, haven't checked anywhere else yet.
Cost-wise you would be better off getting the 8lb kit, because you get double the product. What you really need to think about though is if you will be able to apply it all within a relatively fast timeframe. And also do you want to wait for the backorder. Once you mix the products together it needs to be applied before it hardens.

I think if it were me, I would try it out with the 2lb kit, one because it's not backordered, and two it is a good way to test how much you need and see how far it goes. The worst that could happen is that you find that you don't even get half of the boat done. But it would also give you the chance to see how well you can apply the product and see how much time it takes you.
If I buy the larger kit, can I just mix half of it and not the whole 8lbs.?
Yes that would be another option, just be careful to get the measurements right so you have the proper ratio.

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