I love ASAT camouflage, but could not find a 'Boonie' hat!


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Dec 12, 2014
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Eastern Mass
FWIW I have been looking for an ASAT pattern 'Boonie Hat' (Viet Nam long-range reconnaissance patrol type) for a while now, to get the 'short brim' for shooting archery. None are available from the ASAT manufacture, nor from eBay or wherever.

So I bought a plain khaki Boonie Hat from eBay, only $12 shipped (and VERY good quality to boot!), bought a $3 brown Sharpie marker and used some black Sharpies that I already had on hand ... laid out my ASAT coat for the pattern to mimic ... added one hour of my time ... and PRESTO!

TIP - Lay out the black lines first, as you'll notice in the ASAT patten that the black lines are never broken by the brown lines. Leave separation in your black line layout enough to add in the brown for contrast, whilst presering the large 'tan' blotches to show through.

Regardless ... I like it!

That really came out well.

When our oldest son was a youngster he used whatever spray paint was in the garage on his gray sweat pants. Said he wanted to make camouflage pants for paint balling. I gave him credit for trying to do it himself. Mrs Ldubs wasn't so amused.