Lol, its annoying

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Well-known member
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
Boonville, IN.
Im having a heck of a time with tooth paste this last year, I will go most of the morning with dry mouth from it,. :evil: I have tried several differant brands and still getting a severe dry mouth, lol I look like a mad dog with rabies. Anyone have this issue?

Right now I use "Aim"
Dry mouth can be a early sign of diabetes. Not sure how old you are, but then again sometimes age doesn't matter.

Or, it can also be a sign of dehydration that you never knew about. I keep a REALLY close eye on it as I have issues getting dehydrated and it causes other problems for me.

Do you drink much coffee, tea or soda.
AIM is the worst of the worst for me! Always leaves my mouth tasting horrible!

I use arm n hammer. The baking soda is salty, so it might help you out. Really whitens your teeth too, or atleast keeps from from getting destroyed by the mtn dew...
My wife, Mrs. E works some at a dentist office.....they give all of their patients after their visit a toothbrush and a tube of good ole Crest...that what the professional suggests.
Not a fan of Aim, Arm & hammer and especially Sensodyne! :sick:

I am on a 3D kick as of late and so far so good.

Spearmint always over peppermint.....Bad Peppermint schnaps experieice. :LOL2:

I was also going to ask how your overall health was. The dry mouth thing could be a sign.
freetofish said:
My wife, Mrs. E works some at a dentist office.....they give all of their patients after their visit a toothbrush and a tube of good ole Crest...that what the professional suggests.

What the professionals suggest, or what's comped by Crest for dentists...that's the question. :wink:

I don't have have dry mouth issues, but I've always had luck with Tom's of Maine products. Might be worth a try.
health is good guys, thanks for asking. My physical 3 months ago turned up great and I have perfect blood sugar, I went down in dosage on my blood pressure medecine so thats a good sign im heading to getting it under control.

I haven't tried any arm&hammer, I might give it a try
nathanielrthomas said:
As a Navy Corpsman, I have to ask.. Are you properly hydrated? Do you drink the recommended amount of a water daily?

yes, and thats all I drink is water

WW has me thinking of the mouthwash, I never considered it before
azekologi said:
freetofish said:
My wife, Mrs. E works some at a dentist office.....they give all of their patients after their visit a toothbrush and a tube of good ole Crest...that what the professional suggests.

What the professionals suggest, or what's comped by Crest for dentists...that's the question. :wink:

I don't have have dry mouth issues, but I've always had luck with Tom's of Maine products. Might be worth a try.

+1 on the Tom's of Maine. I've discovered in the past year or so that quite a few cleaning type products have a lot of ingredients that I have adverse reactions to (such as dry skin, dry mouth, dandruff, etc) and switching my the type of soap I use as well as the toothpaste has been great...I didn't realize that my skin, scalp, and mouth were suffering until I changed's kind of a bummer because the stuff I use now is more expensive, but I feel better! Hope you figure out what's ailing you!