One of the best cold weather tactics out there

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Well-known member
Nov 16, 2008
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This is one of the best producing cold weather tactics. Set up a drop shot rig but instead of using a drop shot weight at the end of your line use a jig and pig. This time of year a lot of the forage is dying so by having you jig on the bottom and just leaving it in one spot and fishing it like a drop shot will look exactly like a dying crawfish which is what the bass would naturally be feeding on this time of year. And not only do you have the jig but you also have you drop shot bait that could possibly render a strike.
thats a good tatic.. I didnt employ this tactic this weekend, but I did the prior. I got one bite on the jig, but didn't stay with it long enough because I didn't like the rod/reel setup I was using for it... I plan on using it this coming weekend though!

Good Post!
This technique is best used with a 7 ft medium action rod with a spinning reel spooled up with some 6-8 lb mono
Not something thats going to work for someone who bank fishes. Sounds good if your on a boat though.
Some of us are bank fisherman, some of us are boat fisherman, and sme of us are both fisherman. :D
BassAddict said:
Great strategy, but I fall into the bank fishing category. Does anyone think fishing this setup on a float would make it a good tactic for us bank fishing guys?
I dont think it would work to great with a float, but if you switched it up and used it c-rigged, where the jig acts as the weight, and used a floating worm it might do the trick.
I've drop shot from the bank before... only because I went to try out my new drop shot rig (which is awesome)... it worked pretty well while I was out there, but I really wasn't trying to catch anything... just getting back into swing with throwing a spinning setup
BassNBob said:
What about the float n fly set up.

I've done that one quite a bit and it work pretty well... I use a swivel as well right below the float. then for a leader I use 4# mono
This may be an awesome bank tactic in warmer weather when the bass are more aggressive, They might think the horixontal movement is a crayfish chasing something and nail it.
Actually this tactic is perfect for cold weather because the forage is dying and therefore the action of a jig sitting in one place and moving around and stirring up the sediment replicates the movments of a dying crawfish which is what bass are naturally feeding on at this time :mrgreen:
bAcKpAiN said:
This may be an awesome bank tactic in warmer weather when the bass are more aggressive, They might think the horixontal movement is a crayfish chasing something and nail it.

the float-n-fly techinique is real deadly for winter time bass... I like to start using it when water temps reach mid 50s or colder.. I use a 9' leader below the float and let the fly settle to the bottom - this is generally used for suspended fish... then i'll twitch it a little bit in one spot while retrieving it in, stop and let it settle back down and keep doing that process till it's back in the boat.

If you use that long of a leader you really need a rod that is atleast 8' - but I finally got it to work on my 7' spinning rod. I let go of the bail, throw it straight back over me and then cast overhand and release the bail at the 1 o'clock position. Hence the name float n fly - there is a bobber, then you cast it just like your fly fishing. Try it out - it works wonders for me when nothing else will.