Returning a battery to walmart?

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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
Reaction score
Tazewell, Tn
Any of you guys ever returned a battery to walmart? I had to return one back in september(just before the warranty ran out) and I exchanged it for a new one just like it. Well, the new one is doing the same thing I had a problem with the old one. It acts like it doesn't want to take charge....the needle on my charger will go to the middle of the gauge and stop...won't charge any farther than that. But then I hook it up to my other battery(Deka) and it does fine. So i'm hoping I can just tell them my problems and get my money back because I don't feel like going through the same thing again. Any of you guys ever run into this? :|
has the battery worked okay for you until now???
if so take it back for a new one !!! sand if that lasts for 6 months take that one back free replacement every 6 months is awesome

Have you tried filling it back up with water? My brother did that to one battery I had and it helped it hold a charge better. I don't know exactly what he filled up though. I don't know if Walamrt will give you your money back
redbug said:
has the battery worked okay for you until now???
if so take it back for a new one !!! sand if that lasts for 6 months take that one back free replacement every 6 months is awesome


Well, I've only used it about 3-4 times so far. The thing is, I already had to take the other back for the same exact problem....I'm hoping they'll just give me a refund if I raise enough stink about it. Because I honestly bought that first one when I was low on funds, otherwise I would've never bought one in the first place....I would've bought a good known name brand(Deka, Interstate, etc). As of right now, I don't really need 2(the one that came with my G3, and the everstarts which I bought when I had my jonboat).

I haven't tried filling it up any, but the levels seem to be fine on it. Like I said, I just got this one about 3 months ago after returning the original one I had bought about a year prior.
You are not just using regular water are you? You should be using distilled water. You probably know that.

I have had some trouble with walmart batteries but never anything that was an "all of a sudden" problem. Most issues have been a bad cell and they take them back no questions asked.
BlueWaterLED said:
You are not just using regular water are you? You should be using distilled water. You probably know that.

I have had some trouble with walmart batteries but never anything that was an "all of a sudden" problem. Most issues have been a bad cell and they take them back no questions asked.

I think that could be my problem....just getting a bad battery from the start. This one has pretty well done this since i've had it. I'm gonna see if they'll just give me a refund, if not guess i'll just get another one and hope for the best. :|
I had them replace one that was leaking water/acid even after the one year warranty period, the girl at customer service even replaced the battery box and wanted to give me back my core fee. So in some ways it deoends on who you get. I am sure the can refund the money, but I am not sure if they will.
I've got 3 of their 29 series Maxxx batteries in my boat... 2 run in parallel to the front TM, one in the rear for the rear TM. I buy from Wal-Mart for that reason - they take them back within the 18mon warranty no questions asked... so my batteries for some reason always break down around the start of the spring (I fish year round, and they get charged atleast 3 times per week, but I only discharge them down to 85% each outing, but I can tell that 15% is gone on my way back to the ramp)

either way, upgrade to the largest battery they have if you don't already have it, and take it back every 6 months for a new one. If you do like me, pull all the batteries in the stack out, and get the one that is in the very rear - 9 times out of 10 the date on it will be a month later than what you get in the front, so it's usually a newer battery.
russ010 said:
I've got 3 of their 29 series Maxxx batteries in my boat... 2 run in parallel to the front TM, one in the rear for the rear TM. I buy from Wal-Mart for that reason - they take them back within the 18mon warranty no questions asked... so my batteries for some reason always break down around the start of the spring (I fish year round, and they get charged atleast 3 times per week, but I only discharge them down to 85% each outing, but I can tell that 15% is gone on my way back to the ramp)

either way, upgrade to the largest battery they have if you don't already have it, and take it back every 6 months for a new one. If you do like me, pull all the batteries in the stack out, and get the one that is in the very rear - 9 times out of 10 the date on it will be a month later than what you get in the front, so it's usually a newer battery.

Well, The problem i'm having is not that they're going bad after so long....It's that they're not taking a full charge. The two i've had so far have had the same problem.
Try another wal-mart... that may be your problem - that wal mart had a bad bunch of batteries. Make sure the month of the battery you buy is atleast the current month we are in. You should be able to get a battery that will have next month's date on it... that's why I grab from the back

if they're not taking a full charge, you most likely have bad cells. Check the water level in the and make sure that they are full to the line with distilled water

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