The Bold Legged Cowboy

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Aug 20, 2011
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East Alton, Il
Okay this is an old one, Hope i remember all the details.

Every Morning little billy goes out with his mother to help her in the flower garden, It was a good mother/son bonding time they both really enjoyed, until....

On morning the old bow legged cowboy came walking up the street, Little Billy noticed the cowboy and was intrigued so he tugged on his mom sleeve to get her attention, "Yes Billy?" she asked, Billy pointed up the street at the cowboy coming their way and said "Why, Look at that bold legged sum' B&$^# walking up the street" Well Billy's Mom was aghast and told him that she never wanted to hear that language come out of his mouth again. Well, the next day same thing, and each day after that. it seemed Billy was just obsessed with calling the old cowboy a Bold legged Sum' bit$*.

At her wits end, not knowing how to get Billy to stop this vile talk and greatly concerned that her turn to have the ladies from the garden club over was coming up in a few weeks she asked her friend for advice. After all, it would be most embarrassing to have Billy talking that way in front of her friends. Her friend suggested she get him involved in an activity to get his mind focused on something other than the old cowboy that walked by each day. In fact, "her friend said" the local youth club is putting on a Shakespere play, maybe billy could get a part. Sure enough Billy got a part and really seemed to enjoy being "in character". The play came and went and Billy's mother was happy it was over because it had taken away their morning bonding time though happy she had not had to hear her young son cussing each morning. The first day back however was the day of her Garden Club get together and she was a bit nervous not knowing what would happen when that old cowboy walked by.

Well Billy's mother and all her friends got together in the garden that morning for Tea and Cookies and Garden Gossip. On Schedule the old cowboy came walking up the street. He had just about passed and Billy's mother was starting to breathe easier thinking the plan had worked and Billy had forgotten all about the Old Cowboy when...

Billy, Beaming with a Smile, reaches up and tugs on his mothers shirt sleeve proudly and in character announcing in front of all the garden club ladies "Fair Wench, What manner of men are these that walk with their Balls in parentheses?" Billy's Mom Fainted