Time for a little rant - no I don't need any sympathy.


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May 29, 2007
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Cartersville, Ga
As yall have probably learned, I love bass fishing, and I love working on boats. Well, my problem is, I never get to do either. Unfortunately, my dad works fairly long hours, and when he is home, he is always busy. There is always something going on around the house, that is more urgent than my hobbies. A weekend gets eaten up so freakin fast. First of all, we have to live in this stupid house in the city anyway, as mom got tired of driving to and from where we used to live. I absolutely hate it here. What really sucks, is that dad built our first house (my first) himself. It was way out in the country, on a lot of land. But, due to my brother being born, we had to move in, without it being finished. Therefore, it lacked almost all of its molding, and many other things which are nonessential. Well, we then moved into town real fast, as mom got mad enough at it, that she was to determined to get into town, to wait until a good enough house came along. So, we had to move into a house, that was on a nice lot, in a nice location, but only had 3 bedrooms, for our family of six, and didn't have a place to store our tools, or work on anything. But, since we hadn't finished the old place, they stayed in the NICE shop over there, besides, they were being used to finish the place. After about 2 years, reality apparently set in with mom, and the house 2 doors down came up for sale, and it had 5 bedrooms, and a reasonable shop. (double wide RV garage. About 40 by 20. But, it has a 14 foot height, and a 12 foot high roll up door). So, we signed on it, within 30 minutes of selling the old place. Therefor, we were able to keep our tools, and now had a place to use it, and we weren't so cramped. But, it took a whole year to get it gone (all these projects we had to start on needed finishing, but again, the time wasn't there. But in the new place, we still had a whole bunch of stuff that didn't fit in the house, or the 2 car garage on the other side of the house (when my dads parents died, all their stuff got brought to our place, and when my moms mom scaled to a tiny apartment, all her stuff got brought to our place. At the old place we had a 3000 square foot basement PLUS our huge shop, so it didn't really matter. Now we don't) So, all that stuff made it into our shop. Also, all the little stuff got dumped into buckets to get brought over here. So, we had one side full of stuff, and the other side full of various tools, tool parts, hardware, lumber, steel, and anything else you can find in a fully functional shop crammed in there. Now, after 2 years, we have finally gotten all the "stuff" out of there, and have made a minor dent in the tools. But, things are slow going, as we don't ever have much time to do anything. For example, we have been working on a cart for dads new welder (old one died about 6 years ago, and a couple months ago, we found a heck of a deal on a refurb. one). But, it has taken us forever to get where we are. We only had time to cut the steel for it one weekend, then we welded together the about 1/3 of it tonight. Of course, almost all of the large power tools need new stands, as many of the old ones were quick throw togethers, or what the previous owner had (most of our heavy power tools were bought used, and many are from the 1930s, and 40s.) But, now that space is incredibly limited, we have to make the absolute best use of it, and therefore, these things need more practical stands, to all fit together. Also, all this little stuff needs sorting, and due to the limited space, needs creative storage ideas - all of which takes time - which we don't have. At the rate we have been going, I estimate about 6 - 8 months more, before the shop is to a point that it is real practical to be used. And, even then, getting a boat inside is going to be a b****, due to the freaking lolli columns. Hopefully, we will get the time + funding to be able to put a couple steel beams in place of the lolli columns, and have columns holding the beam against the wall, and not in the middle. That would give us a few great lift points for boats, and motors, but again, that is time + money, which we don't have. Now, if you can understand my gobbledegoop of writing here, you will see that we owned 2 houses, for 3 years. The #1, and #2 for 2 years, and #2 and #3 for 1 year. Now, my dad is incredibly lucky to have the job he has, given that he didn't go to college, but this is still tough on any salary. It isn't bad though. I eat. :D We do have a well stocked supply of tools (dad has been collecting quality ones, since he was a kid - but there ain't no way we could afford them all again) and we do have a few boats out back (only half are what I have paid for - he owns the other half. But, we couldn't go out and buy a brand new boat, or even power the Alumacraft with the optimal motor (used) for it. So, it will probably get one of the 55s we have out back, instead of a 115, for a few years.

Now, throughout all this, you haven't heard much about my fishing time. That is because it is non existent. I fished twice in 2006. I didn't really get active in bass fishing, until the beginning of 2007, and only fished 9 times the whole year. There is a saying that is said a lot at the COPE (challenging outdoor personal experience) course at scout camp. "Practice makes permanent" (they don't say perfect, as there is always room for improvement) Now, how am I going to get better, if the seasons change between each of my fishing trips? If my post fall strategy doesn't work, I have to wait a year to try a different tactic. Makes learning, and getting better a royal pain, as you can only learn so much on the internet.

If any of y'all are still reading, sorry for making you endure this, and sorry for all the grammatical mistakes, or unfitting parts of the story. I am not in the mood to go back, and proofread, therefore, you are probably so confused at this point, as I probably left so much out, and it probably makes no sense whatsoever.
Hey man I feel your frustration....I have a room downstairs in my basement that needs painting and I have been putting it off for 6 months. :wink:

I think maybe you should try to dedicate 2 hours a week (real early 6-8AM or 5:30 to 7:30 am) to fishing/leisure time. Block out everything else and just do it. 2 hours does not seem like allot, but If you give yourself that time and stick with it, you can work everything else around it.

Keep your head up bassboy1, Things could always be worse.
When I was growing up my dad would help my neighbors with things while my bike had a flat so I learned to fix things on my own. I learned how to catch fish in a little creek that i would walk to every day during the summer. Jim has the ticket make time for yourself..
I may have left something out here. I have all sorts of free time. It is just no one else has time to take me. I can flip, and pitch almost perfectly, as I have so much practice in the yard, but no practice on the water. So, what really kills me, is all the time spent doing nothing, because I can't go to the lake, and I can't work in the shop. Another reason I hate it in the town here. Out in the country, there were a few farm ponds I had permission to fish on. Of course, I didn't know the people who owned them, until about a month before we moved out, so I fished them only twice.
If I had the ability to devote 2 hours a week, I would do so, but I am 14, so I can't drive, and dad doesn't have the time to take me. Apparently, mom isn't capable of towing a trailer, but their was one time that it was an emergency, and she had to tow the trailer, and when it came to backing up, I sat in the passenger seat, and told her which way to turn the wheel, and it worked fine. So, my inexpert opinion says we could make something work there. But, when I ask dad that, I get the "we will work something out" answer, and of course, he is a procrastinator.
Also, I am capable of doing almost anything, that would need to be done. But, I am not always allowed to. In the past, I have always done all the work on trailers that needs to be done - wire wheeling them off, prepping, painting, wiring, and assembling all the springs/axles/hubs etc. But, I am not allowed to use the welder on my own (now that is reasonable), so we currently have 2 trailers that need work, while I sit back helplessly. But, there are some other things that I feel I should be allowed to do. Like right now, my 4 horse Evinrude needs the water pump serviced. All it is, is the repair kit, that includes the impeller, and all the rubber pieces in the water pump. I am perfectly capable of changing that, as I have helped with others, I read the manuals for fun (okay, now I am officially a loser :) ) and would work from the manual. Plus all the parts are right here. But, I am not allowed to do that myself. Most of the things I have learned to use there, I have taught myself, due to watching him. He doesn't mind me using most of the tools in their (except stuff like the welder) to do most anything except work on the boats. I don't know why this is though.

I rarely ever complain about anything, as for the most part, I am an optimist, and on that token, I would rather grow up here, than some other household, as here, I at least have the experience to fix almost anything by the time I am old enough to live alone. Plus, I can teach myself to fish, a lot easier than I can teach myself all these old tricks that his dad taught him, that make things a lot easier. But, right now, it is frustrating, as here I am, off of school, and doing next to nothing. And, it has been this way for years now, and never shows many signs of getting better.
I'm not sure if you mentioned whether or not your dad fishes. I would talk to him and ask him to set aside a few hours to take you fishing. As a father I know things can get real hectic and you don't slow down to look at the important things that are going on. I was working from home yesterday and I had my girls for the day. My youngest daughter came up to me while I had my face planted in the computer reading work emails and she said do you want to go outside and have a catch? It was cold and raining outside but I sad sure. I realized that it was something important that she wanted to do with me. I said forget work for 15 minutes and I spent some time with my daughter. Sometimes us dads just need a smack in the head to get our attention. Tell him you want to go fishing and how important it is to you. I'm sure he'll make time for you.

When I was a kid I would bug everyone I knew to go fishing; dad, uncles,cousins & friends.
He does. But, he is just too busy for it. Also, he doesn't particularly like fishing when it is real cold/rainy/windy, so some of those times that we had free time, he decided it was too wet/cold/windy, so we didn't go. Also, did I mention he is a procrastinator? He always just keeps blowing it off when I ask him in advance. Then, when I ask again the night before, he always pulls the "I don't know what the weather will be like, we don't know this or that. We need a little more time in advance." But, we used to need just enough time in advance to load the car, and hook up the boat. Now we need what? A set date on next years calendar? It isn't that he doesn't trust me alone, or think I am capable - he lets me out there alone, in some pretty rough weather, on sometimes that he has been able to take me. It just seems like he hates working out the logistics nightmare. (He is also one to make a simple little problem turn into a big issue. Last summer, I was going to scout summer camp for one week, then philmont for 3, and there were 3 weeks in between the end of school, and summer camp. Now, I had the opportunity to fish with a 15 year old I had met on a board for my local lake, but dad decided that I shouldn't be spending time fishing, I should instead make sure that I was packed and ready. Well, it took me an hour and a half, to pack for both, the night before. I am not sure how 1 or 2 days, out of three weeks, would make me any less prepared to go on 2 trips, of which, neither were anything new)

I never get mad at my parents, and I am not one of those that thinks I know everything, and my parents don't have a brain, but some things are just crazy.

BTW, I do remember saying at the beginning, that I don't need any sympathy. :roll:
I'm not dishing out sympathy just saying that things get hectic and us dads need a reminder sometimes that time spent with the kids is important. Bug everyone and anyone who fishes to take you along. :)
Not knowing how close you are to a lake, pond, etc., here's something that might help if you have a bicycle:


Just knowing you from this site, you do have some skills in metal work. The rack shown in the link is roughly $12, but I have a sneaky feeling that you could manufacture your own. Now, it might look a little "Mayberry RFD", but it'll work :wink:
I have thought about that, and the problem is, most of the waters around here, are private, except for boat ramps. Not to mention a long way away. My mom doesn't mind driving me places, without the boat, but all the places are private. Now, with the water down in the big lakes, all the parks, and ramp parking lots are closing, and I can't get in there. I have got a couple more things up my sleeve here. Either that, or suck it up, and live with it.

I do feel incredibly lucky to grow up in the influence that many never will get. I have been disiplined better than a lot these days, and I have been quite a bit, both in the shop, and in life, that many my age don't get taught. This may just be one of the shortcomings of that.
dude, things will work out for ya, it might not seem like it now, but you'll see. Winter fishing sucks anyway, maybe in the spring set down with Moms and Pops and maybe after dinner or when they are doing errands they can drop you off at that boat ramp for a couple hours, some nice fish have been caught at ramps after all it has to be deep enough to launch boats. How about your neighbors, any of them fish?Keep your chin up my friend, you have alot of ears here that are willing to listen and make suggestions, remember we're like family so vent away we're here for ya.
Thanks yall. :D

The girlfriend idea sounds like a good one....

Except, there goes my (meager) paycheck. :D
bassboy1 said:
Thanks yall. :D

The girlfriend idea sounds like a good one....

Except, there goes my (meager) paycheck. :D

It's the 21st century.................find a girl that has a job, and she can help pay for stuff too, lol :wink:
I believe in equal opportunity :)

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