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Captain Ahab said:
So add food or cooking to the game

Get rid of Horses, Movies and Popeye

OK, food or cooking on Monday, movies are for Redbug, he'll whine if I change that :) Popeye keeps you in check, without him, Ahab would run rampant ??? :)
I heard there is a vaccine to prevent Rampant Ahab.


Popeye said:
gillhunter said:
Captain Ahab said:
i need a new topic!

Ok, what "tins" were 608' long, displaced 11,800 tons, had 100,000 HP and 12 - 6" guns?

Sounds like an old Light Cruiser, Cleveland Class most likely

You are correct! I was stationed on 2 of them, the Springfield and the Little Rock.
Popeye said:
A bit before my time. That had to be after they were retrofitted as CG's right?

Yes, CLG 7 and CLG 4. One had Talos and the other Terrier.
My first ship was an old Oiler, USS Canisteo (AO-99). Keel laid in 1944. Checked aboard on my 27th birthday in 1986.
Popeye said:
My first ship was an old Oiler, USS Canisteo (AO-99). Keel laid in 1944. Checked aboard on my 27th birthday in 1986.
Didn't know there were ships that old that were operational in'86!
Joined shortly after my 19th birthday in '71, reported aboard the Springfield in the spring of '72, cross decked to the Little Rock in '73, ended my enlistment in '75 as an EN2. Served with a bunch of good folks.