Trap Pond 10-16-08

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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2008
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Drew and I hit Trap Pond about 2pm and its dead calm with bright sunny skies .. actually too bright and at times and impossible to see the bobber even with no wind at all .
We had fish chasing other fish right on to the land .. tons of tiny fry all along the bank . It was slow to start and the fish just werent stacked in the same spot but once we narrowed it down we found a few hotspots .
My first fish was an ugly Mud Cat on a 1.75" Fin"S" .

Drews was a small Crappie ..

Then a bit Bigger ..

We were both throwing the same 1.75" Fin"S" and picking off fish both nice and some small Crappie and Red Ears ..

Drew lost the first rig on a snap off during a cast and I soon later get stolen by Pickerel that bit off the Jig .. So while retying we watched Drews bobber Go down quite a few times before we lost sight about an hour later .
I tied on a pink jighead and a clear chartruese Trout Magnet with Black spots .. This was the hot ticket for sure .. I got many strikes within a second of the bobber hitting the water and if not a few pops of the bobber and they'ed smack it hard .. Drew tried an assortment of small plastics like 1 & 2 inch twisters , 1.75" and 2.5" Fin"S" , Berkley Realistix 3" .. I gave him a choice of 2 different Trout Magnets I had left but none like the one I had on . I was on fire for about 30 to 40 minutes then I get bit off :( .. We never found another rig to produce like that one and we tried quite a few .
We continued to pick off fish as a storm brewed behind us and the bite slowed . We moved around quit a bit and picked up Crappie and Red Ears here and there .
Here's a shot of the shoreline that we fished ..

We both got a few small Neds as well ..

This was the largest ..

A few more ..


I believe this was the largest Blue Gill that I caught but we both got some of the 4 to 5 inch variety ..

I get bit off one more time and Drew loses a few tails on his plastics but we did well with 40 to 50 fish a piece and 50% being atleast this size ..


Those are citation fish here in Delaware with Crappie going a bit over a pound and Red Ears going 1 to 1.25 pounds . There are some real Bruisers out there for sure :)
I need to restock some plastics and do this again :) Gotta love catching fish like that with 6 LB Mono .
It started to get darker and darker and bite became less frequent in the last 45 minutes before they came and warned us that they were locking the gate .
We didnt land any LMB but Drew had a small pounder right up to shore .. We didnt land any Pickerel but I had 3 bit offs .
Not a bad day at all for 4 hours and about 100 fish .
Great day .. Great fishing with you again Drew .. better replace that line before we decide to head back ..
How far do you have to cast,to reach some sort of drop off?
Nice catching.
You ever notice that when you fish from shore,you cast out as far as you can and when your in a boat,alot of times you cast as close to shore as you can get?
Zum said:
How far do you have to cast,to reach some sort of drop off?
Nice catching.
You ever notice that when you fish from shore,you cast out as far as you can and when your in a boat,alot of times you cast as close to shore as you can get?
Aint that the truth :mrgreen:

As for how far I cast .. Always when I fish from shore I try to stay as far away from my target area and make really long casts over that area but I overcast the spot by as much distance as I can get .. Each cast can take a long time to reel in if I dont get bit but you never know whats out there so I always try to find out .. when I enter the target area I take my time .