What's the name of your boat?


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Well-known member
May 26, 2010
Reaction score
Boca Raton, FL
I know we aren't dealing with any yachts here, but I figured I'd give mine a name just the same.

My boat is called "Playin' Hooky" (My last name is Hook, I like playing hooky to go fishing, and when I get out to the honey hole, I'm messin' with tackle, thus the name)

I was reading another thread and a member was saying his boat was named "Stable Mable" because it never rocked, even when he was dancing around about catchin a lunker. That being said....

Anybody name their boat? And if so, what did you name it and what was the reason?
Since I like Jackson Browne songs, and especially the one Running On Empty, I've thought of naming my rig "Runnin' On Empty", because it's all electric and uses no gas. Just an idea I've had for quite awhile. :)
My fiberglass is called BLU-BY-U and my tinboat is called Marsh Master.
When complete, mine will be called "Slab Assassin". All I fish for anymore is Crappie and I thought maybe it would be intimidating to a few competitors when I roll into a tournament. When I get to weigh in they will all know its a lie though, lol!!!
BassBlaster said:
When complete, mine will be called "Slab Assassin". All I fish for anymore is Crappie and I thought maybe it would be intimidating to a few competitors when I roll into a tournament. When I get to weigh in they will all know its a lie though, lol!!!

That's great! Don't sell youself short. With a name like that the crappie may just roll over into your boat.
I was talking to my buddy the other day and we were talking about boat names. Well rather than buying an old boat and redoing it, I did it backwards and boat a new boat to redo. So that being said we named my boat "Bass Ackwards". I almost always bass fish and if the kids go with me then we just throw out shiners and see what we can find.
Feel silly talking about it since I can't seem to get my little jon boat in the water. But I've named my boat the Mid-Life Chris's, since my name is Chris and I just turned 40.
My 26' Mako is the Sea Grinch because we take away the fish's Christmas

my 16' MirroCraft is the 'Mander - short for salamander because it is green (and i am an idiot!)
naming mine "weapons of bass destruction" :) I heard it some where but cant remember where :?