**CAUTION** Ugly toe pics! lol


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Well-known member
Apr 2, 2011
Reaction score
I had my steel toed flip flops on earlier when I was loading my mower into the truck and dropped one of the I thought light weight ramps on my toe. Can you guess which one of the pics it is that I can count my heart beat with now?

#1.View attachment 1


Can't wait to see what colors I get tomorrow! lol
Geeze...you're not even going to lose the nail. Post again when you suffer a real mans injury!!
never done the toe hit like that but did do a similar number on a finger or two with a hammer. Use a drill bit dipped in alcohol and drill a hole in the nail if the "thumping" continues.
Yah I have done the toe thing and actually had the nail bust off below the base...whole nail ended up coming off.

I have also had the nails removed by the doctors a few times...that sucks too.