Fighting at the launch

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dunk50 said:
He's coming hot and fast and and there is no doubt in my mind that he has pulled this crap before. I get out of my truck and guess what, being a cop for 25 years at the time it was all I could do not to end him right there but I was nice. At about 10 feet I drew, aimed and told him one more step and he was all done. Bottom line he stopped, I put him down, the *** started crying that he didn't mean nothing and then I noticed HIS kid. I let dad up and told the kid NOT TO BE AN *** LIKE HIS DAD. It will come back to bite you. Took his name and information called it in and released him. He left real quick!!

Good for you!! =D> Too bad you didn't have a coulda tazzed his rotten ***!!!
Nope never had gotten to that, I don't like DRAMA mainly.

But, that many issues in a row would make the calmest man lose it. so hope it never happens to me cause Im so calm that if i blow up its kinda crazy, its over board and usually on the wrong person, I would also black out when it came to losing it and it wasn't good for me or the other guy, I've won some that way but I have lost and been beaten up pretty bad that way too, didn't know when to stop win or lose.

Ever notice tho its usually never a fisherman that disrespects ya like that, its the water cruisers.
wasilvers said:
We've all come across stupid people who have nothing better to do than meddle. Sorry your' kid had to witness it, but you had the right reaction showing that it does not affect you.

As to steriotypes - You probably offended their nonstandard lifestyle by offering the perfect family picture of father, son and dog enjoying the lake together. Certain people get great joy and purpose when inflicting their beliefs on others. Most of the time they are just looking for a fight and an excuse to claim bigotry and persecution. You did well by not playing into their hands. I know what you mean by still being ticked though.

Wasilvers - Your response speaks volumes of your character. Well done sir, well done. Thank you, greatly really, for the kind words, they have put me at ease and help me realize that engaging in an argument would have been a pointless battle which probably wouldn't have ended well.

bobberboy said:
azekologi - I can't help with the main issue, but if you put that pug on a really big hook it might make some kind of muskie bait

Bobberboy - I just might take you up on that muskie bait idea...but if you land a trophy size fish because of my kid's 17lb pug, I want to be named on the trophy too! :wink:

dunk50 said:
azekologi - I have to disagree guys. Don't care about her partner preference but her business stops where mine begins. My dog, my kid, my boat and my time. The boy would have been in the truck while I told her to GFHS, she doesn't need a partner. Turn the other cheek my butt, were raising a bunch of professional victims! How many times has she gotten away with that crap?

Dunk50 - you too make a good point. I like that business of "my dog, my kid, my boat, and my time" and "her business stops where mine begins". Well put, for sure! I'll chalk it up to "if I had it to do over again" sort of thing. As I've seen her on local lake a second time, I'm sure that we'll cross paths again. Hope, for her sake, that it's cordial or she'll definitely be getting an earful from me.

FishingBuds said:
Ever notice tho its usually never a fisherman that disrespects ya like that, its the water cruisers.

FishingBuds - True enough! From the first trip fishin' w/ my grandpa when I was a tot, to outings with the boys when I was older, to sharing the beauty of the hunt with my own boy, I've always noticed one thing; anglers are (almost) always respectful to other anglers. I chalk it up to the fact that we've all had run ins with the cruiser-folk, generally bad ones at that. (Although some of these stories made me realize that they're some disrespectful anglers out there...but I also get they feeling that they're nowhere near this board either).
Good topic, Glad everyone is venting here and not getting physical at the ramp while out trying to have fun.

But....Lets keep this topic friendly and family oriented. 8)

For future reference, a smile and a friendly, "Thanks for the advice. When it's your dog, you can worry about it. This is my dog." and then go about your business and ignore any further conversation from them. Ignorant people should be treated with the same consideration that they give to others.
azekologi said:
I've always noticed one thing; anglers are (almost) always respectful to other anglers. I chalk it up to the fact that we've all had run ins with the cruiser-folk, generally bad ones at that.

You guys need to come to Kentucky Lake starting about mid March. The attitudes of the OOS anglers that think that they own the place because they had to pay for an OOS license would make you eat those words. I got into it with a couple of guys just this spring for cleaning a pile of undersized fish. I suppose that they figured since they had to pay extra for a license and lodging for a week that they were entitled to something to show for it. The same two guys had wallowed by me on half plane and about washed us out of the boat barely an hour before that.

DocWatson said:

For future reference, a smile and a friendly, "Thanks for the advice. When it's your dog, you can worry about it. This is my dog." and then go about your business and ignore any further conversation from them. Ignorant people should be treated with the same consideration that they give to others.

I think that he should have told her that there are medications out there now to help with those monthly mood swings. :lol:
DocWatson said:

For future reference, a smile and a friendly, "Thanks for the advice. When it's your dog, you can worry about it. This is my dog." and then go about your business and ignore any further conversation from them. Ignorant people should be treated with the same consideration that they give to others.

Also good advice BUT the trick is being able to go about your business and ignoring any further conversation. You can only do that if the other person allows it!! I doubt that she would have in this incident but never the less, good advice! :wink:
Quackrstackr said:
I think that he should have told her that there are medications out there now to help with those monthly mood swings. :lol:

Hay guys,
What I like to say is, "The bigger the Holiday the smaller the water I fish."
I don't see how those big rig, ramp hogs are having much fun anyway. That's why I have a tin boat. I go to the small rivers and lakes where, I think, I catch more fish. People abuse handy cap parking at Wal-Mart. How do you expect them to act at the lake in the hot sun with a few beers and no sleep? Just avoid them and come fishing with me.
pppssshhhhh.... ya wanna see where the next episode of "COPS" will be filmed? Just go to the public launch at Manistee Lake while the salmon are running. Two years in a row I've seen fights there. To say that only pleasure boaters are the bad ones is a far cry from the truth.... all the above mentioned were fisherman (most all of em' too drunk to stand, yet driving their boat, and navigating the boat ramp.). I fish and also ski, tube, cruise... I use the same common courtesy for all events.
dunk50 said:
DocWatson said:

For future reference, a smile and a friendly, "Thanks for the advice. When it's your dog, you can worry about it. This is my dog." and then go about your business and ignore any further conversation from them. Ignorant people should be treated with the same consideration that they give to others.

Also good advice BUT the trick is being able to go about your business and ignoring any further conversation. You can only do that if the other person allows it!! I doubt that she would have in this incident but never the less, good advice! :wink:
If they continue after I've made my point, I tend to get outrageously vulgar and dress them down pretty good. I've only had one carry on after I'd done that. I was married to her. :LOL2: Operative word here is was.