The 3 bass weekend

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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
Norristown, Pa
Lately, to say the least I been in a slump. I haven't found much time to fish lately, so I have no option but to fish late afternoons into the evenings, which isn't easy when your trying to target bass. This past weekend started slow with a very short catfish session friday night with me a the wife bankside. I landed 2 small flatheads, and a bigger channel, on some of the biggest bait I could get. Go figure.
Saturday started out raining, but by lunch, the rain had stopped, and the sun came out. I was targeting largemouth, and had a very good day as far as numbers go. But after 3 to 4 stops in all the local holes, I just couldn't hook up on anything bigger then a 17". I spotted a hole mess of pigs on beds, but didn't really put much effort into pulling them away from it.

Today was different somehow. I had just recently purchased a nice rain suit from dicks, and with a forecast of moderate rain all day, there was no better chance then today to get out there. I waited just about till the rain had lightened to head out, and was very suprised to see others fishing in such conditions. The water was rising, but still clear, and when I first arrived I watched some smallies busting all over just off a pocket of current. It had stopped raining so I quickly switched up some tackle, and tied up a Pop R topwater. First cast and about 2 twitches later, my poper gets slammed and I'm hooked up with a 19" smallie. Already my weekend was looking up.

After that lucky shot, I only hooked up one more time on top with a much smaller dink. I gave it about another hour, and walked just a tad further up river. I tied on a clown X-rap, and started to cast. Immediately I'm hooked up on what I thought was a foul hooked carp or even a musky. No bullshitting, I fought this fish just under 10 minutes in some very rough and heavy current on a med-light setup, with very light flouro line. I didn't want to loose him in a rock or a break off, so I let him continue to rip until he just tired out. Finally it gave some slack, and he let me bank him. At first site, I knew this would be one of my new PB's for a hybrid striper in my lifetme. Just shy of 29". Those hybrids def. go balls to the wall when it comes to a fight. For a while there I was in a slump, and finally I got my mojo back.

Nice trifecta on the bass Mike !!! And a super nice Deleware River Wiper !!!! 8)
Very nice fish Mike...I fished all of Zero minutes this weekend. I spent the weekend working on my girls house....of course it is supposed to rain all week, so who knows how the fishing will be. I'll be out there, but whether they are biting is another story.

Nice work =D>
DocWatson said:
Nice trifecta on the bass Mike !!! And a super nice Deleware River Wiper !!!! 8)

That wiper is from the mighty Skuke. And about 30 miles north of where all the fairmount boys catch them.
That wiper is from the mighty Skuke. And about 30 miles north of where all the fairmount boys catch them.

That makes it all the better, that thing is a hog :shock:
AWESOME fish Mr. Fish.

Man, i just need to copy and save that phrase becuase I think I will be posting it often this year for you Mike :D said:
DocWatson said:
Nice trifecta on the bass Mike !!! And a super nice Deleware River Wiper !!!! 8)

That wiper is from the mighty Skuke. And about 30 miles north of where all the fairmount boys catch them.

As previously stated, that makes it even more impressive. I knew they were in both river systems, but didn't think the Skuke could produce one that big. Very nice indeed !!!!
Topwater action and my favorite color Xrap,my two favorite ways of fishing,come on summer.
I have know idea on the river your fishing and it doesn't matter,great fish.