When was the last time..........


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Nov 29, 2006
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Shrewsbury, MA
You fell? :LOL2:

Last night My wife and I were just talking and I don't know how the conversation evolved, and then I asked her when was the last time she took a spill.

For me it was about 3 years ago. I missed the first step and and went down 5-6 stairs and my head went through the glass that is beside the front door. Laptop bag in one hand, Gym bag in the other. It was all over in .5 seconds. I had no chance to react. After I came too and realized what had happened, I did not care about the glass embedded in my head or the blood coming down my face, I was upset that it was going to cost me to fix the glass.......and it sure did. Glass crooks got me for $600. Special glass this and new regulations that.

Needless to say I think about it every single time I approach the steps....pathetic, I know.
November of 2007.

I had ridden my ATV into the back of my truck so my buddy borrowed my ramp while I was unloading gear off of the ATV. He then placed them back on the truck... upside down... in the dark.

I stepped on the non-grippy side packing my climbing stand in wet rubber boots and it was like hitting ice. I skated down the length of the ramps but my right boot slipped in between the rungs right at the bottom, hyper extending my knee as I crashed into the ground while throwing my brand new $200 stand onto the gravel. I honestly thought that I had dislocated my knee. The pain was excruciating.
I belive it was a good 20 some years ago. I decided to scoot down an ice covered driveway on my feet. slipped and smacked the back of my head on the ice.

I have more of a habit of smashing my head in to things or dropping things on myself. #-o the last time was dropping a GM starter on my hand while laying in the driveway when it was 10 below. :cry:
I was just finishing laying the sub-floor on a house with a walk out basement. The floor joists on the back were left long to cut back later for the bay that was to overlook the walk out section. I was sick as a dog, and very dizy because of it. I went to cut back the floor joists for the bay with my skill saw. As I leaned over to cut the first one I blacked out and the next thing I knew I was looking up at my crew from the ground below. They all got a great laugh about that because I had NEVER done anything like that before. :lol:
2 winters ago,I was on a roof at alocal hospital checking out leaks.I walked around an HVAC unit hit a patch of ice and down I went.Luckily, no injuries.Landed on my head you know.
Last week. Boy was I drunk !!! :roll: [-X :mrgreen:

Seriously, it's been about 15 years. Slipped on some black ice on my front walk. Felt like a foolish old man. :oops:
One of the coldest days of the year ealier this year I went fishing and slid about 20 feet down a steep bank and into the lake. Wish I had it on tape.
I go skateboarding about 2-4 times a month so......there you go! :lol:
This wasn't me but sure is funny, NOW. I have a lot of friends that own HVAC companies and they call me to help when they get slammed with work. We were trimming out a house and the owner of the company was in the attic sweating in the air handler and I was hanging registers in a house. As I was screwing the last one in closest to the return I hear a awful scream and two feet come crashing through the sheetrock. The funniest part was he also was over a ceiling fan. I was laughing so hard I fell off the ladder. All I could hear was moaning and the sound of the fan hitting his feet. After a few minutes he never pulled himself out and wouldn't answer me. I ran up the attic stairs and his back was toward me. I said his name and he wouldn't answer. I walk the ceiling rafters over to him and see that he staddled a rafter which almost made me slip off :shock: . Needless to say he couldn't talk and if he was it was so high pitch that only a dog could have heard :shock: . He ended up all right, but it was tough when he wanted me to call his wife and I was trying to explain what happened and he wouldn't be to romantic for a while :shock: :oops: :shock: .
Have taken a few small falls over the years, but the one that sticks real well in the memory happened around '82 or '83. I was stationed aboard a floating drydock where our mission was to dock the type of ship of that sinks on purpose (subs). I was in the botom of the dock basin walkiing the keel blocks checking for any nails that were left after removing the soft wood caps, and as I was near the last block someone from up on the wing wall (45' above me) hollered for me, I looked up, kept walking, and walked off the block. The fall was around 8', and I luckily landed on my feet on the steel deck. It stunned me and knocked the wind out of me. I was real lucky I didn't land on any of the structural pieces running across the deck, possibly snapping an ankle or something. That incident has stayed with me all these years.

I do have a funny story about my friend in high school. It deals with a metal barn roof, a 5 gallon bucket of silver paint, and one lone nail, lol.
Waterwings said:
It deals with a metal barn roof

That's what got me.... I HATE METAL ROOFS!!!
Sept. 6, 2003 Broken back, 11 days in Hospital, two 8" titanium rods, and some screws.
Not slipping in the paint, but ladder kicking out. About 20' fall, landed on my shoulders, knee's over shoulders like a taco. Exploded vertebrae, luckily all the fragments went out instead of into my spinal cord, I did get a little nerve damage to my left leg that gave me this nice little permanent itch that I can't scratch... Other than that, I'm good to go....
Ouch! :shock:

This was during our high school days, and my friend's incident wasn't as painful as yours. He was asked by a farmer if he wanted to paint the barn roof. He takes the job and he's up on the roof sitting down painting and doing pretty good, until the bucket of paint started to slide. As he reached to get the bucket he lost traction and started to slide. It wasn't a far drop, but still a decent ways to the ground. The paint hits the ground, silver paint going everywhere. He was sliding fairly quick and the only thing that saved him from exiting the roof was the head of a roofing nail sticking up, which snagged him in the seat of his jeans, bringing him to an abrupt halt. Had to be there to see the look on his face, lol.
I had a fall back in the mid 80's where I fell through a suspended ceiling. My oldest brother was building an upstairs bathroom in an office building that my uncle owned. I was brought in to do the plumbing. We had no floor yet and were walking on the rafters and joist. We did that all morning long and then I ran a 3/4" copper pipe across one of the joist and as I was walking across it I fell and went through the ceiling of an office downstairs. It was 10 foot ceilings. As I fell through the ceiling I hit the top of an open door and then the floor. We had not yet installed the lights upstairs so I went from a dark environment to a bright environment with me lying on the floor looking up at flourescent lighting. I remember the guy in the office was on the phone and told whomever he was talking to he would have to call them back. As I stood up I didn't seem to be in too much pain. My uncle told me to sit for a few minutes. I seemed to be ok so I went back to work. About 45 minutes later my back started hurting so I told my uncle. He told me to go to the emergency room. I drove myself to the emergency room and walked in. When the doctor came in he asked me did I walk in? I told him yes and he told me nothing was broken and sent me home without even x-raying me. A couple of days later I went to another doctor and had x-ray done. I broke my 3rd lumbar vertabra. He told me there was nothing he could do for me. It had to just heal on its own. It does not bother me at all now.
KMixson said:
I had a fall back in the mid 80's where I fell through a suspended ceiling. My oldest brother was building an upstairs bathroom in an office building that my uncle owned. I was brought in to do the plumbing. We had no floor yet and were walking on the rafters and joist. We did that all morning long and then I ran a 3/4" copper pipe across one of the joist and as I was walking across it I fell and went through the ceiling of an office downstairs. It was 10 foot ceilings. As I fell through the ceiling I hit the top of an open door and then the floor. We had not yet installed the lights upstairs so I went from a dark environment to a bright environment with me lying on the floor looking up at flourescent lighting. I remember the guy in the office was on the phone and told whomever he was talking to he would have to call them back. As I stood up I didn't seem to be in too much pain. My uncle told me to sit for a few minutes. I seemed to be ok so I went back to work. About 45 minutes later my back started hurting so I told my uncle. He told me to go to the emergency room. I drove myself to the emergency room and walked in. When the doctor came in he asked me did I walk in? I told him yes and he told me nothing was broken and sent me home without even x-raying me. A couple of days later I went to another doctor and had x-ray done. I broke my 3rd lumbar vertabra. He told me there was nothing he could do for me. It had to just heal on its own. It does not bother me at all now.

Note to self...

Don't mess with KMixson
In November I was on an evening run to a nearby grocery store. I was wearing my winter coat, cargo shorts, and sandals because it was just a quick trip. I pulled into the parking lot which was extremely busy for 8:00 pm and as I was walking through the parking lot I slipped on the compacted snow and fell in front of a bunch of people. I stood up laughing so everybody got a good laugh.

Moral of the story is that sandals although fast to put on and comfortable in the summer are not designed to provide winter traction. :)
This past winter. I was ice fishing and had taken my creepers off my boots while I was sitting in my shelter. The guy that owend the restaurant where we parked yelled out that we needed to move our vehicles so the snow plow could get the parking lot. With 5 inches of snow on the ice I figured I didn't need to put the creepers back on. WRONG! I got about 20 feet and my feet went out in front of me. Landed on my butt and elbows. Sorta glad I landed on my elbows because when I looked at my impression in the snow I saw my head had made a depression in the snow about 1" deep. As hard as I hit, I'm sure I would have either knocked myself out or had a concussion. Creepers on all the time from then on.
Last bad spill I had was doing some indoor skateboarding and drinking getting ready to go to the bar, who woulda thought that would be a bad combination ended up breaking my leg, but at least I had a case of beer to keep me company till my roommate got home from the bar/who knows where else the next morning around 10am to drive me to the hospital
Three years ago, I was going to have rotator cuff surgery on a thursday(I did, success, 2 screw in shoulder) The sunday before I coming out my daughters house stepped down and somehow went over on my ankle, after about 3 mins. down I made it back in the house and set on the step, I slipped my sneak and sock off and there was a baseball sized lump above my ankle, I didnt want to go to the emergency room but on the way home it started throbbing so off we went. X-rays were negative and it was put in an air cast. Monday I went to the orthopedic doc.(same dude that was doing my shoulder) he ajusted the cast. Thursday came had shoulder surgey and because of rehab didnt follow up with the ankle(could barely walk), after 4 months of rehab the ankle was still hurting, went to a specialist in Philly and found out I had a piece of bone missing in my ankle, doc described it as a divit, was put on a bone stimulator, went back and told the doc it was feeling better. I was told if I step on it a certain was it could break so I'm going to wait for it to break before I get it fixed.