14 foot flat bottom aka "ye olde salt" finished


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Well-known member
May 31, 2010
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Jacksonville, NC
alright so i got the pictures of my jon boat. i have torn it down to almost bare nothing but now i'm trying to take off the 16 layers of spray paint from the previous owner just trying to make it look pretty. i've been using stripper and a scraper, any reccomendations that are less time consuming will be greatly appreciated. here's what it was when i bought it. doesnt look too bad, but i promise, once i tore it up, it is that bad. i just can't believe this guy took the time to do it, and half a**ed it.


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heres where im at. all torn up, just pulling off the paint. i broke down and bought an electric sander and a wire brush for the drill(its a godsend).


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inside is down to bare aluminum pretty much. that rocked my world. time to start on the outside. ill get pictures up tomorrow or somethin. im on barracks duty today. its always motivating when u move on to the next step
inside almost complete. still gotta do another coat and then i have a few things i am trying to figure out. still not sure exactly what i wanna do. i wanna cut the back top of the seat out and make it flip up but will that have any negative effects(besides the lack of a beer prop)? the previous owner cut the top of the front seat so im gonna make that storage but i'm hesitant about doing the back. heres the pic of the inside almost done


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lowes was out of truck bed liner so i couldn't finish the touch ups so i started the deck before the terrential downpour


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frame complete. deck and front seat cut and stained with spar eurothane , waiting on my carpet and need more wood for my back seat but i'm making good progress. anyone have any good links for carpet.


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I see you got your paint stripped off. I use oven cleaner when I have to strip paint. It's mostly lye. It will eat most paint I've ever seen. It also cleans the aluminum. You have to rinse it real well after your done or your primer will not stick. I hope this helps you in the future. Todd
Looks good!!

Mine was about like yours, 50 years old, crappy old layers of spray paint, and bad cracks fixed by roofers tar. I just sprayed the outside with primer today!!

Keep it up, I'll be watching your decking work and stealing some ideas... 8)
I bought 6' x 8' rolls of indoor/outdoor carpet at Home Depot for around $16 a roll. Looks good and is a lot cheaper than marine carpet that is probably the same texture and loop size. Thanks for your service too! I just retired in December 09 (SSG - Army).

Scott P.
I'm putting a floor in my 1468LW Polar Kraft. I'm using 1/8 inch aluminum. Coating it with Duraliner and putting some rubber matting in the front. I'll post some pictures when I'm done.
Boat is looking great. Thank you for your service. In my opinion you can cut the rear seat top, but I would make sure to leave a lip of about 1". That will insure the integrity of the seat at the transom. Then you could build a livewell or cooler for the beer and not have any real issues.

Good luck.
i'm definately gonna look at that carpet weezer. and i really like the oven cleaner idea. i never would have thought of that. and that stuff's amazing. i still dont know if i wanna cut the top of the back seat off yet just because it's filled with foam. im on leave for the next 2 weeks so i wont get any progress for a while but it gives me time to shop around for some items so i can knock it out real quick when i get back. im not doing a full deck. i just wanna do something different. im leaving the deck whole and gonna have a slot to put all my life vest and such underneath. any ideas that people have will be considered. im willing to try anything. question actually...if i take the foam out of the back seat will that take away from boyency or does the foam have anything to do with it.
well i got enough carpet to do the entire boat. bought some pole holders. all i need is some more spar eurothane, a little more truck bed liner, a little bit more wood and a few odds and ends. come off leave tomorrow so im going back to NC tonight. back to work soon. and i need to start working on the trailer ASAP. im naming it "ye olde salt". fellow marines and sailors should appreciate that
deck and front seat carpeted and done. i just need another peice of wood and the seat posts. not til next pay check. time to start working on the trailor a little bit. im a little upset with myself. i didnt take into acct how much the carpet adds on so its kinda uneven. im just gonna get it done and then go back and mess with everything. shouldnt be too hard


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