1432 Delhi Boat Modification-Picture Update 7-26-11


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Well Guys/Gals

This is the 3rd time i posted about modding my 1432. I have been way to busy to mod anything. I have my 7 month old daughter and she keeps me way to busy. And then there is work. But, mainly, it has been to darn hot in south louisiana to do anything but look outside and watch the squrriels sweat over some hidden acorns they forgot about. :p

Well, I finally got the lay out squared away and I am going to cut out the front bench like Bufford did here on the forum. I am going to go pick up the lumber this weekend.

I am not going to deck the boat. I am putting floors in and building a rod storage box on the left side and a storage box on the right. Tried of having rods everywhere in the boat and I have broke one too many anyhow. I am also painting the boat. It has the same paint on it from 1976. which is pretty much powder now. the trailer will get a face lift too. So, on to a few pics.


side view


close up of my temporary crappie spider rig layout (caught 20 crappie last week with this)

I will be posting new pictures this weekend sanding and painting the trailer and boat
Welcome back.

What a beautiful little girl you have there! If you can't be working on the boat, at least you're using it!
I started sanding down the boat and i am going to apply the etching primer this week(end). The poor paint is like powder. it is the orginal factory paint from 1979 or so. It sands off with no effort. One of the many reasons I am painting it. I plan to paint it with quality paint from Interlux or another brand. My boat is a 1432. Anyone have any idea if I need a gallon or would a quart do it. i have never been good figuring paint. Also, anyone used interlux?


PS-Pics tommorrow it is dark thirty right now.
Ok. I sanded some on the boat yesterday. I have discovered rustoleum paint carries a marine grade paint. You can order from Home Depot. 2 qts for $30 US. anyone used this ?? Also, I have my layout sort of done. Not sure about the paint on the sides. Take a look:

I used the Rustoleum Topside paint on my build. I had some issues getting a good finish; however that is most likely due to my inexperience with the spray gun, and a cheap gun. You can see the results in the thread in my sig line.
So, I got the sanding started. All i can say is what a mess that makes. I have the bottom sanded 99% complete. I have one side almost done and the bow is done. So I have the port side the sand down. I have gone through 5 tack clothes and it is looking like a sanded boat. i am probably going to start priming by the weekend. What is the best way to remove the loose paint grit. I have some acetone and MEK would it matter which one I use to clean the boat? I will get some pictures for latter today. I want to sand some more before i take a couple of pics.
Wow! A little over a year since i posted about my boat. Once again I am back working on it. This time I am rocking and rolling (mainly to Foo Fighters LOL) I have the trailer painted and the boat primed with etching primer. The Miss's allowwed me to take over the carport much nicer than the 107 heat index beating I have been taking. I have made so many changes and thoughts and re thoughts this boat modding is not for the faint hearted lol. My daughter is now 17 months old and stands by the door watching me work lol.

I have changed my mind once again this is a 90/10 saltwater/spider-rig crappie boat now. i will be spending a ton of time flyfishing for redfish and specks but sometimes spider-rigging for crappie. So, see once again mind change. my head hurts lol. I will post some current pictures tonight of the progress.

So, I have a question:

I rattle canned the Self etching primer on the boat. In some places it powdered up. I am presuming in those places the aluminum was not cleaned properly. Or is that normal? I never used self etching primer before. I am going to need about 3 more cans to finish up.
The self etching primer that I am using says to sand it lightly with 400 grit sand paper after it dries, and before you apply paint. I did that today and it looks smooth now.
ok. I will sand it. It appears to be an adhesion issue. i can wipe it off with a tack cloth. I will re sand those spots and clean it up again with some solvent and re prime.
i have not got that far. And I have decided to fix this boat up and sell it in order to get a bigger boat. 1432 is a little small for decks and such. I am going to just floor this and add a storage section in the front bench seat. I plan on using it on the 1754 I got my eye on.
I got a pin hole in my boat. I am talking a hole that small 1/16" wire will go through. I did not notice until late in the repainting of the boat. I am curious can I put some JB weld on it. Nothing serious on the leaking of course but it could possibly grow. And now I know why my boat gets a little water in it. i do not want buy steel-flex for such a tiny hole. any suggestions?
Thanks Jim,

this will work.

Ok here is the pics I have been promising:


trailer one


Boat bottom it is blue


trailer complete minus the bunk boards.

if it will ever quit raining i can finish painting..I will be replacing the winch and jack...both are rusted
redphysher said:
I got a pin hole in my boat. I am talking a hole that small 1/16" wire will go through. I did not notice until late in the repainting of the boat. I am curious can I put some JB weld on it. Nothing serious on the leaking of course but it could possibly grow. And now I know why my boat gets a little water in it. i do not want buy steel-flex for such a tiny hole. any suggestions?
If you have a hole and can get to the backside of the rivet, you can use the SS rivets with a nut that I spelled out in my tracker project. I use them all the time below waterline, just put on some sealer and tighten the nut and it's fixed. Good luck!
it is not near a rivet. It is in the middle of the boat right under the front bench seat. Along a skeg, like i said it is not big. i will be able to investigate further once i get into the bench seat.

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