Adding a 'seat' behind newly added console

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Jun 3, 2014
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New guy here, used to come around quite a bit when I built my last aluminum boat. Right now I have a Tracker grizzly 1648 tiller version. I've had a tiller on it up until recently when I sold it and got a motor with controls. I am going to be adding a side console nearer to the bow since I run a jet motor and always hated being way in the back while trying to run the river. Of course the easy way would be to add the console near the middle and use the rear bench as my seat but I'd prefer more front weight and as I already said, the better viewing point.

My idea was to have some sort of mini bench as a seat, possibly hinged lid for storage, but unfortunately I can't weld aluminum and relying on someone to build one would be costly and timely, so I guess what I'm asking is if anyone has any ideas or options I'm not thinking of? Anyone else who has added seats or a seat for a forward console? And of course this is with, simple, and affordable in mind.