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Staff member
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Winder, GA
I will never understand why anyone could do something like this to children.
I hope everyone's here are safe.
Little kids; PATHETIC :evil:
What's up, that this type of behavior is happening on a regular basis?
SOMETHINGS WRONG!!! Looks like we may need to build a lot of asylums, and soon!
While my heart just bleeds for the 20 pairs of parents who have to do the unatural act of burying their children. I am also so sad over the children who survived yet witnessed the act, or passed by the victims on their way out of the building. They have a long road ahead of them.
I was at the dentist today when I saw what had happened on their tv. When I saw the president wiping away his tears, I found myself doing the same.

I hope there is a immediate lock down for all schools. No unlocked doors (not even the main door), no people in or out without school business. And at least one armed guard at every school. We have to protect our children any way we can.
The people in that little town, in my little state, surely need to be in your thoughts, and they need all the prayers you can say.
Unbelievable events today. As a parent, it makes my heart ache. Innocence is lost...
Hug your kids and make some real quality time with them this weekend.

God Bless Us All.
