I think its time to buy a scale


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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2008
Reaction score
Alexandria, Va
Headed to a different spot this morning with hopes of bigger fish. Tried one side of the bridge with no luck, so I moved over to the creek side of it. When I was workin my way to the bank I saw a few blood worm containers which all looked empty, I picked em up and sifted thru em, one of them had 7 or 8 blood worms in it, I hadnt really planed on bait fishin but this was an omen (cuz Id have to driver about half an hour to get some then half an hour back) I put on a bottom rig I had left from yesterday, good thing I didnt clean out my bag, after about 5 minutes of soaking it got a hit, I set up and reeled in my first striper of the year he was about 9inches(i thought i took a pic but must have forgotten to save it oh well). After about an hour of bait fishin I hung up and lost the only rig I had out with me. So i started wadin out to where the shore normaly is, and castin my worms, got my first bass of the day on a purple/blue fleck 3/4senko. He was prob around 2lbs, but I didnt feel like goin back to shore for a pic. Not to long after that I picked up my crankin stick (which I had been bait fishin with) tied on an spro fat30 crank in a shad pattern. After about 20 casts an no bites I started thinkin it was time for a change but didnt really feel like wading the 6 or 7 feet back to shore, and my lazyness paided off big time. Got my biggest bass of the year(so far) if he was a pound he was five, prob over but Im not use to guesstimating fish this big. Had his mouth almost hooked shut and I got stuck in the finger while lippin him but id take a hook in the finger any day to get fish like this.


  • bigboy.jpg
    16.5 KB · Views: 617
Thats a nice bass! About buying a scale, don't. You'll find out your estimates are a lot higher than the fish's actual weight, or at least that's what happened to me :wink:
Go get yourself a certified Boga grip. I'm working the wife for one now. 8)

The more I read your posts the more envious I get!!!!

Nice fish! You really do have them basses figured out!
Oh, yea :wink:

So what rod and reel combo are you using for a crank stick? I'm so terrible at cranken rigs :?
My crankin stick right now is an old 6ft daiwa vip classic (i really want a longer one but I mostly bank fish and the shorter ones make castin easier for me) , But hopefully before then end of summer ill be able to pick up a loomis, The reel I was using was a quantum 1310 mgc.

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