iPhone or Galaxy?


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I love my Galaxy III, and my wife loves hers. I've been able to get 2 galaxies, pcs, etc. for the cost of one comparable Apple product; which keeps me solvent and my wife happy too :wink:
[url=https://www.tinboats.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=333586#p333586 said:
RAMROD » 02 Nov 2013 03:41 am[/url]"]
Go to the store pick them up play around with them think about which one will fit in you pocket comfortably, this is the same as Ford vs Chevy it all depends on what you prefer.


I think you use a Mac for your work? If so, that same user experience is what you will get on the phone. That being said that huge Samsung looks awesome.
[url=https://www.tinboats.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=333772#p333772 said:
Jim » Today, 06:15[/url]"]
[url=https://www.tinboats.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=333586#p333586 said:
RAMROD » 02 Nov 2013 03:41 am[/url]"]
Go to the store pick them up play around with them think about which one will fit in you pocket comfortably, this is the same as Ford vs Chevy it all depends on what you prefer.


I think you use a Mac for your work? If so, that same user experience is what you will get on the phone. That being said that huge Samsung looks awesome.

You are correct. The problem is... I'm still too cheap to buy new and don't want to contract up again now that I'm finally NOT under contract. Looking for a used one I guess that I can connect to T Mobile.

Sometimes I hate being so cheap.....then again, that's what allows me to take the fishing trips I take.
got a galaxy s4 after my waterbottle leaked all over my milestone while it was in my lunchbox :oops: i'll never be one of those iphone sheep.
I really depends on how you are going to use the phone, I have had G3, and now own a G4, company paid for them, but also offered a IPhone.

If you are using and attaching and uploading files saved on your phone or even opening the files and using a spreadsheet application, the Samsung phones are it. Iphone is not very strong is file usage and file storage, and additional storage is not an option on an I phone, the Samsung phones you can add a 64GB SD card and never thing of it again.

I use mine primarily for work, and I could not imagine ever using and iphone, they are not as business oriented as a Samsung.

Here is another major thing to consider, if you are using a ton of contact and calendar scheduling, the only way to sync the Iphone and Outlook is through ITunes, and I promise you, you won't be real happy with that application trying to work together, apple and Microsoft don't like to play nice in the sandbox and it's a royal PITA to if you are a HEAVY user to sync these application.

It's a compete breeze with Samsung, they play very nicely in the sandbox. Keep in mind, I'm so dependent on my S4 that I don't even drag a laptop with me to travel much anymore. My Samsung S4 does EVERYTHING!

Just my opinion

Right now, I'm fighting with T-Mobile. Last January I upgraded my daughter's phone and agreed to another 2 year contract (with her phone also). I have 5 phones in my plan. They are saying that I agreed to the contract with all 5 lines. They've screwed me and I'm trying to figure out a way to get back in control without having to pay cancellation fees.

So....until I can do that...I'm still using my crappy 8 year old phone!