Is this a fair price? Starcraft V-Hull

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Jun 8, 2010
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Hello all,

I recently got into fishing and decided I want a cheap boat to hit the local lakes. I know nothing about boats and I had a quick question if you guys do not mind. First of all, I am 6'4 and 230 lbs and I will probably have my girlfriend on board (110 lbs.)

Does this look like a good deal? It looks wide and sturdy, does anybody know if it will be? It's the boat, trailer, and 30lb Minn Kota for $400. I would eventually put an outboard on the back but in the meantime I would just mount some comfy seats and go fish. Would this boat be suitable to build a deck later on?

Most importantly though, does this seem like a fair price?

Thanks in advance!
Is it a fair price? I don't know, but I paid $1300 for my Starcraft.
I think if i floats then yes $400 is a safe price. But i bet he'd take $350 cash.....or at least it wouldn't hurt to try :mrgreen:
pppsshhhh... by time you try to barter with him, the guy standing in line behind you for this deal will throw him $450 :lol:
JK... really looks like a great deal to me.
looks like a good deal on a good boat... the first thing i would do is chunk those wood seats. the original seats in a starcraft were about halfway up the inside wall. those are wayyyy too low