Modding my SEARS 1972 12ft Aluminum V-Hull

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Brand new Motorguide 40 lb thrust trolling motor


Brand new Marine Battery


Help, there's a Black Panther in my animal control...quick !
Today I did some more wood work.....middle bench and floor. Tell me what you think !



I cut the hole for my battery storage.

By the way....I'm still doing all the work in the parking lot :wink:




The boat with all the wood still light....I picked up the boat with one hand and put it on my trailor hitch
looks good,but I do not know if osb board is a good idea on a boat.......?????.......
The osb wood should be ok since the boat has no leakage whatsoever....but if it doesn't work out, then I will re-build with different wood. What with all these tornadoes and rain, mother nature is not letting me finish my boat. If you notice...all work is being done in the parking lot because I don't have a garage. :cry:
Well I got out of work late today (need the overtime $) and started on the front bench part of the boat. Please keep in mind that I am in NO WAY a skilled carpenter, but I try.



Looking good and don't sell yourself short on your carpentry skills, they are showing through with all of the templates. Be very careful with the osb you have going on. You may not have any leaks but think of how many times you get caught in the freak rain storms while fishing or tip over the minnow bucket or pulling in a wet fish or get an unknown hole the tarp. Be sure to paint all of your wood with 2 coats of Epoxy Paint. Make sure it's 2 coats and the Expoxy Paint is easier to handle. Then cover it with marine carpet & padding. Remember, osb is like a dry sponge that absorbs water easily.

Keep up the good work!
Consider it done....Thanks =D> By any you have a recomendation on which particular paint primer and Epoxy Paint I should use??? There is a LOWES and HOME DEPOT near me and also a WalMart where maybe I can purchase what you recomend.
BEHR makes good epoxy and so does ArmorDeck. You use deck epoxy paint also. Avoid enamel paint since doesn't really sink into the wood. Think of how a woodworker coats a coffee table several times with epoxy or poly and water beeds off. That's because epoxy has a tendancy to expand into the wood. There a few different types out there and it depends on your skill level. There are 2 part epoxy that set up fast or user friendly paint. You can also use the garage floor epoxy paint. Be ready to spend roughly $50 or more but it's worth not having to tear your work all apart in a couple of years due to rotting wood.
BEHR has a EPOXY Garage Floor paint at Home Depot....I think I'll go with that. Today I ordered my Marine paint online, I should have it by the end of the week so that I can FINALY paint the boat over the weekend (if weather permits). Boy, I have a lot of painting to do #-o but when all is done, it's going to be well worth it... and then I'm going to fish, fish, fish and fish some more :lol: in reference to that black panther in my turns out that it was my cat sparkles :p
Good News....I received my Marine Paint today..2 quarts Glossy White and 2 quarts Glossy Battleship Grey, with that being said I will give my boat it's first coat today ! Too bad it's going to rain tomorrow :( another GAME DELAY :( This project is taking me forever due to bad weather :x
Well fellas..I did a little painting today (thanks to the fine weather) tell me what you think so far :wink:



The color is Battleship Glossy Marine Topcoat Grey



New Trailer Lights installed...yeah baby !! :lol:

All work done in the parking lot :lol:


Next weekend I'll start on the second color....Marine Glossy White !